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Re: Failed State claims Socotra

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:04 pm
by Monk-of-Mogadishu
On a historical note:

Yusuf Ali Keenadiid had plans to invade Socotra in the late 19th century but a feud with Boqor Cusman prevented him from expanding into the island. Back then Somalis in Bari treated Socotra like we treat the Bajuun islands, it was just an uninhabited piece of rock not worth looking at, but a few had plans to venture there.

Re: Failed State claims Socotra

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:09 pm
by The_Emperior5
adeer mala caqligu wuxu kaga jira dhakada bantuga eeh Nimanka Gobolka ogaden dagga ka somalisan Marka sideed u tidhahada aniga somali ah mise waxad moodaysa inay somalinimo ka baryayaan adeer waad yara duliyeysantahay eeeh Dhulkaasi amxaar ma leh tigray ma leh Ethiopian ma leh sooaamli ba leh wanay lahanayaan mala ximaarkaga somaliya dagan eeh caqligagu ma dagana somali miid somalina kuma shaqeyso
qaldaan tigree iyo axmaaro kaliya ma deggaan ethiopia, waxaa degta shacuub kala duwan oo ay ugu baddan yihiin oromada oo ah dad 90% muslimiin ah, ogaadeenka degga kililka shanaad ee ethiopia sida ay u baddan yihiin waa oromo af soomaaliga baratey, sidaa darteed waa inay ahaadaan una shaqeeyaan wadankooda ETHIOPIA.

dhamaan dunidan aan ku nool nahay waxaa jira dad isku luqad ah oo ku kala nool wadamo kala duwan. KILILKA SHANAAD ee part of ethopia dadka halka degana oromo axmaaro tigree gambeela, jabaerti dhamaantood waa ETHIOPIAN, somalia wax shaqo ay ku leeyihiin haba yaraatee ma jirto.

dhinaca kale adigoo qaldaan ah calanka ethiopia HARGEYSA kaaga taagan yahay ayaad noo jileysaaa WADANIYAD been ah, war qaldaaan qiiq ha isku qarin. QALDAANLAND xitaa kama mid aha SOMALIA, marka kililka shanaad dunidan inta ka dhiman wuuxuu ka sii mid ahaanayaaa ETHIOPIA.

Tigray iyo amxaaar wa gaalo jidhxun oo diinta Kristaanka haysta aaan ahayn Muslim aan ahayn soomaali aan ahayn ehel. Marka somalida gobolka daga maxad ugu odhan Ethiopian baad tihin dad anay isir wadaadgin dhalasho diin dhaqan intaba anay ka dhaxayn iyagana Xukuma somalida ,, dagan gobolka wa dadka ugu somalisan afsomaligana wa ka hodan marka sheeko oromo lama iman kartid iyaka yeedhiya adigu waxa garan meysid oo ximaar iska bantu ah ayaad tahay Menelik ba la raaciye dhulkaa 1884 marki shirki berlin ay ku heshiyeen Ethiopia maha dall maha waddan wa fake country waddan jira maha oromodaan aad sheegeysiid AMxaarada qabsaday qarnigi 17 waxa waxba kama taqanid oo ximarku wax ma qariyo, Dhulka laga duuli jiray dagaaladi Axmed guray wa dhulka somalida ay dagan eeh gobolkas Ogadan.... Xarun na harar ba u ahayd markasa mekele iyo gondare lugu duuli jiray waxa waxba kama taqanid ileen caabidi baad tahay Marka dhulka goormu amxaar yeeshay ama tigray ,,,,, As for calan Ethiopian ba sudhan hargeisa ma sudhna bal na tus halku ka sudhanyahay calanka xabashi Somaliland aan ahayn qunsulka yar ay hargeisa ku leeyihin somaliland waxa sudhan calanka Jamhuuriyada somaliland

Re: Failed State claims Socotra

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:23 pm
by mahdi01
Socotra was Somali territory and had Somali population until the British ceded to Yemen 1950s, it was punishment, when Somalis voted for Italian transition over the British at the United Nation, the same scenario British did to Hawd region of Ogaden and NFD of Kenya.

Anyway, last Somali military government wanted to take the island by force, but Arab league interfered and convinced the Somali government to solve in a peaceful matter, The president of Sudan at the time Jacfar Numeyri close friend of Siyad Barre said at the meeting in Cairo “Arabs should not fight over land and Somalis have the right to live everywhere in the Arab world just like they live their home country” because at the time southern Yemen was much weaker than Somalia, the Somali government did not pursued military option.

Since then Socotra remained disputed territory Like Ogaden and NFD , but when the government of Somalia collapsed 1991 and the two Yemenis merged as one country, the new Yemeni government moved military men and their families in the island then Yemeni fishermen followed and settled heavily in the area, sometimes evicting original Somali inhabitants of the land.

Socotra waters have one of the largest Tuna fish in the world, but Somalia has about half a dozen of green beautiful islands that are far richer than Socotra between Kismaayo and Kenyan border, some are empty and others have small community of fishing Bajunis, Somalis acquired enough land due to their Nomadic movement, but they don’t have the Brains to live peace with one another and develop their vast lands Starting at the tip off Assab in Eriteria, bisecting Ethiopia and ending Isiolo in Central Kenya, technically they own one seventh of the land in the African continent.

However, due to the increased internal clan division of Somalis, last twenty years Somalis were losing lands on the Oromo front, for example towns like Dire Dawa, Negeyle and Isiolo that once in history dominated by the Somali people have been over taken by the Oromo.

Re: Failed State claims Socotra

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:25 pm
Inshallah Socotra & Southern Yemen, Western Ethiopia and northern Kenya will fall into Somali hands. :up:

Re: Failed State claims Socotra

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 5:21 am
by qoraxeey
thanks you ethiopian girl from kililka shanaad ee ethiopia, actually dameeeer means ragfga ugu ragganimada baddan wuxuu ilaheey ragg abuurey becouse you known what allah bless dameeerka, :shock: :shock:

but fiiri ethiopian girl, anaga waxaan aamisanahay kililka shanaad ee ethiopia is part of federal republic of ethiopia for ever and your skinny malnourish (barri) belongs to AXMAAAAROOO ilaa yoomul qayaaama S :D :D

Baal firi this dameer laga keenaay Uganda .. callin me ethiopian girl :|

im 100 % soomaali ismacil jabartii . born in mogadishu somalia :clap: :som: :lol:

Re: Failed State claims Socotra

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:18 am
by qardasay

It lies about 340 km from the coast of the Yemeni mainland, and 250 off the Somali coast. The island has about 70,000 inhabitants (2008 estimate). ,,,,,,,,

Re: Failed State claims Socotra

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:58 am
by eyes-only
Surely Yemen has no right to claim it. They're just taking the mick because Somalia is a failed state. At this rate, there won't be much of Somalia left to call Somalia. The scavenging neighbours are all getting ready to get a piece.

Re: Failed State claims Socotra

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:26 am
by FAH1223
Yemen is going to collapse sooner rather than later

Re: Failed State claims Socotra

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:25 am
by Cirwaaq
Now the Arabs will have a further reason to ensure somalia remains a failed state.

Re: Failed State claims Socotra

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:46 am
by Murax
Socotra is the least of SOmalia's concern. Fix Your own land.

Re: Failed State claims Socotra

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:49 am
by Abdihaliim

It lies about 340 km from the coast of the Yemeni mainland, and 250 off ;) the Somali coast. The island has about 70,000 inhabitants (2008 estimate). ,,,,,,,,