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Re: Gabay,Geeraar, saar, Guurow iwm.

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 10:44 am
by Anarchist
@Lama. I was listening to NPR a few weekends ago when I stumbled on the following & was instantly transported back to Xamar in 1989/1990. :lol: ... =181418999

I didn't know Dur Dur had just released an album. Here's a decent review of their new album & a soundbite from one of the songs called "Dooyo". ... um-review/

Iftin had nothing on Dur Dur. Shareero & Dur Dur were always ahead of their time.

Re: Gabay,Geeraar, saar, Guurow iwm.

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 10:53 am
by X.Playa
BTW, Khalid, is this the Sayid's voice?

This is my favourite Sayid Maxamed Poem.

No thats Daahir Afqarshe one of sickest of hate mongers and Afweyne probagandist. One should not make a cattle robbery into a nationalistic event, the entire poem is about robbing a clan out of their stocks killing women and childern and when the British Camel Police try to rescue the stocks of the people Koofil got killed... so ethically Koofil was the hero and the Mullah and his probagandist were the theifs.

Re: Gabay,Geeraar, saar, Guurow iwm.

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 10:56 am
by Lamagoodle
Mahadsanid waan aqrinayaa.

Great band; Dur dur.
One of my favourite is this one with Baastow:

Do you remember that Dur Dur band used to have an Italian, Mukhtaar Ramadaan Idi and Jerry?

Re: Gabay,Geeraar, saar, Guurow iwm.

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 10:59 am
by Lamagoodle

No thats Daahir Afqarshe one of sickest of hate mongers and Afweyne probagandist. One should not make a cattle robbery into a nationalistic event, the entire poem is about robbing a clan out of their stocks killing women and childern and when the British Camel Police try to rescue the stocks of the people Koofil got killed... so ethically Koofil was the hero and the Mullah and his probagandist were the theifs.
I don't know the background but this poem is celebrated as a master piece of the somali emancipation struggle. Was Dahir Afqarshe the vocalist? was it written by the Sayid and read by Afqarshe?

Re: Gabay,Geeraar, saar, Guurow iwm.

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 11:03 am
by Anarchist
Haa saaxib Hawl wadaag -iskoolka agtiisa, suuqa mijiska gadaashiisa- odeyaasha kabaha falaarta ku tuuri jirey.

Gurigeena wuxuu ka soo horjeeday reer qalqale iyo odeygii lahaa caasiyaasha (Amal aabaheeda) meesha bohosha camal ahayd;

Hawlwadaag waay shidneeydey; Baar Bekin, Tokyo, jidka dabka ka imaado; Ma xasuusataa guriga Maryan Mursal walaasheeda? farmashiga hanti wadaag?
Maalin dhexdaas ah aan sawiradaan fiirinaayay, markaas soo xasuustay xaafadii. Ceel Hindi iyo degaandaga Cali-Caliyoow meesha ma ka aragtaa? Sawirka ugu horeeyo si fiican u fiiri, saraha gadaashooda xaafada ka muuqato ma aqoonsatay? You're right in that H/Wadaag weey shidneyd. You forgot to add Baar Aaran to your list though, it was near Iskoolkii Birimo Luulyo, & not too far from Baar Bulsho.

Whatever became of Beerta Daraawiishta and Baar Bulsho? When was the last time you were there?

Here's the link: ... gu-qabtay/

Didn't Jerry leave Dur Dur for Iftin at some point? Baastoow was a cool singer. D'you recall Qoomaal?

Re: Gabay,Geeraar, saar, Guurow iwm.

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 11:10 am
by Lamagoodle
Mahadsanid Anarchist. Walee meeshu waay isbedeshey!!! Taalada Sayidka miyaa wax meesha ka muuqda? do you remember the Harqaanlaha sayidka ka soo horjeeday? Baar Buulsho miyaa la iloobi karaa? Beerta xuriyada .- iyo ururka bisha cas ilaa iyo ceel hindi - ilaa iyo hoosta sarta xaashi weheliye (near cariif).

Cali Caliyow dad badan oo saaxibo ah oo aan kala dhunay ayaa deganaa; ABBA, RITA, Saciid, reer maxamed siyaad.Barre Derbiye

I am nostalgic.
Yes, I remember Qomaal. Did you know that Baastow and Ahmed shariif Killer are brothers? Baastow sung a wonderful song called EEDAAN LA YAABE ARXANKEEDA U DARANAA.

P.s. sayika hoostisa waxaa deganaa nin wasiir ah, Axmed Xabiib, gabadho yar yar oo qurux badan buu lahaa; habeen ayuu nagu dalbaday askar waardiyeeyneysa.... I still remember the mom using "lamagoodlayaasha gurigeeyga ka celiya" :lol: