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xawaalada hodan global donates 10K to c/waq airport

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:12 pm
by grandpakhalif

Shirkada Xawaalada Hodon Global aya waxaay noqotay Shirkadi ugu horeysay ee Xawaaladeed oo si hagar la,an ah uga qayb qadatay dhismaha Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Magaalada Cabudwaaq.

Shirkada Hodon Global ayaa waxaay manta ku qabtay Magaalada Cabudwaaq Munasabad ay ku gudonsinayso gudiga Airporka Magaalada Cabudwaaq lacag gaaraysa 10.000 oo dollar toban kun oo dollar waxaana musanabadaasi ka hadlay Masuuliyinka ka kala socday Shirkada Hodon GLOBAL iyo Gudiga Airporka Cabudwaaq.

Shirkadan ayaa waxaay kalanta 4raad ka carirsanaysa Tartanka logu jiro Dhisamaha Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Dagmada Cabudwaaq.

Waxana Kalinta Kowaad ku gulaystay Gabdhaha Dagaan Mareykanka oo ayagu bixiyay Lacagti ugu badnayd

Waxana kalinta labaad soo galaya Jaaliyada UK oo ayaduna bixisay lacag waxbadan ka qabanaysa Garoonka

Waxaa kalinta sadexaad galay Gudomiyaha Ururka SDSI Cabdiqani Sh Cali Diini oo run ahanti mujiyay karti ka dib marki uu kaligiis bixiyay lacag garaysa 10.000 oo dollar. 10 kun oo dollar.

Waxaa kalainta 4raad soo galaya Shirkada Hodon Galobal

Halka Kalinta Shanaad ay soo galayaan Jaaliyada Norway.

Waxaa laga warsuga waa Xawaalado iyo Ganacsato iyo Ururo ku soo biira Tartanka lagu jiro Dhismaha Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Magaalada Cabudwaaq oo ay shacabka reer Waqoyiga Galgaduud hadi ay joogan dalka iyo hadi ay jogaan dibada ay bahi weyn u qabaan.

Re: xawaalada hodan global donates 10K to c/waq airport

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:20 pm
by Smile-LiKe-SuN-RiSE

Re: xawaalada hodan global donates 10K to c/waq airport

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:31 am
by zingii
The royal family in columbus was tasked in coming up with 4Gs.
Out of the 4Gs my sub sub clans share to contribute came up to be 400 bucks. Out of the 400 dollars my share came up to be 50 bucks.

Laf laf baa lacagta laiskugu qoray.
Laf walba odaygooda ayaa ka keenaya
intii loo xil saaray. :up:

I cant wait to see the project completed so i
could have the right to one day say "i contributed in wealth"

Re: xawaalada hodan global donates 10K to c/waq airport

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:47 pm
by Turbulence
$400 for an entire laf? Isn't that a bit small?

Re: xawaalada hodan global donates 10K to c/waq airport

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:19 am
by zingii
The 400 would be from (my sub sub sub) clan
that live in my neck of the woods.

Also it is worth to keep in mind that the
collection is taking place anywhere REERKA LIVE.
Afrika, Yurub, Mareekan and AASIYA.

The project is in its final days and doesn't
require as much money as before. :up:

Re: xawaalada hodan global donates 10K to c/waq airport

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:33 am
by Talo alle udaa
walaahi i remember when the ASWJ and some sade sub clan got into it in C/waaq over visiting TFG MPs, I over heard a lady say that each men (from her subclan) will be told to pay $2,000, and each women 800 to supply the men who
were facing the ASWJ in the city. The wounded were being taken to galkacyo.

So how can a sub sub sub clan pay only $400?

Re: xawaalada hodan global donates 10K to c/waq airport

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:18 am
by zingii
walaahi i remember when the ASWJ and some sade sub clan got into it in C/waaq over visiting TFG MPs, I over heard a lady say that each men (from her subclan) will be told to pay $2,000, and each women 800 to supply the men who
were facing the ASWJ in the city. The wounded were being taken to galkacyo.

So how can a sub sub sub clan pay only $400?
Its not the entire sub sub sub clan that is paying that much
but rather the few families in my zip code. Of the sub sub sub clan,
few elders were sellected and each being responsible for few families
they have close ties with. Plus you have to take into account that prior
to this fund raising there were others before it where the same people
already paid. If the sum was greater than what is stated above, it will drive alot of people crazy specially when they have already paid once or more times before.

Lets remember not all families are high income earners and ontop of that they have families back home depending on them on monthly basis.

Re: xawaalada hodan global donates 10K to c/waq airport

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 4:50 pm
by udun
There should be accounts open in one of the Hawalas where any Somali willing to be part of this project could donate to.