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Postby FAH1223 » Sun Apr 06, 2014 4:05 pm

Forum Rules

1. Treat other members with the respect they deserve. This should go without saying, but treat others like you would like to be treated!

2. Please do not spam. The definition of spam is an irrelevant or advertising post. Any post considered spam will be removed

3. Insulting and flaming or personal attacks against forum members and staff will be not tolerated.

4. Please be considerate in language and content you use on the forum, some of our members are younger than others.

5. No hacking or illegal activity will be permitted.

6. Please do not post inappropriate material, I think everyone understands what I mean by this. The policy goes that if you would not feel comfortable viewing it at work, or in front of children or parents, don't post it !

7. Changing the course of discussion by injecting hate/vulgar language, clan BS, racism, personal attacks, etc will NOT be tolerated. You cannot ruin discussions just because you have some beef with the author. Please, stay on topic! 8-)

8. If you see inappropriate material on this forum and you don't report it, you should not come back days/weeks later and accuse moderators for not removing that offending material. As a member, you are expected to help the moderators. If you refuse to help, then you are not in a position to criticize the mods for not doing their work. This is a busy forum and the moderators are not online 24/7, so please do your part if you see conduct that is detrimental to SomaliNet and it's members.

9. Post in the appropriate forum for your topic, and don't post the same messages in multiple forums. Don't create new threads if the same one already exists.

10. Respect others' privacy and don't make private information about other users, public.

We, the moderating team at SomaliNet believe these rules are clear, and easy to follow. These are only in place to ensure our community is a fun place to be, and a comfortable atmosphere for all.

What happens if I break a rule ?

Depending on the severity of the infraction, a different course of action may be taken. Moderaters may use temporary bans or permanent bans to their discretion if they feel the offense has been severe or if the member has continuously displayed the same sense of disregard for the rules. But the usual practice is as follows and goes on a post by post basis:

1st rule break (Minor offense):

Corrected, A PM may of been sent, no further action taken.

For a more serious offense, a warning will be issued, this is a mark against your name letting us know you have broken a rule.

2nd rule break:

Another warning.

3rd rule break:

On your 3rd warning, you will receive a temporary ban, the length of which will depend on the severity of the incident.

On another breach of rules :

After this it will be assumed you will not learn your lesson, so you will receive a a temporary ban or a more severe permanent ban, meaning you will never be able to visit the forum again. This is left to the discretion of the moderators and goes on a case by case basis.

If you have any questions regarding the rules feel free to PM any member of site staff, who will be able to clear things up for you.

Thank you and enjoy your time on SomaliNet!

DISCLAIMER: The Clan politics section is for all clan related activity. This section is not heavily moderated. If you have a bone to pick, a claim to make, or just want to swing from tree to tree and beat your chest like Tarzan for a while, this is the place for unadulterated written warfare between adversaries. But to paraphrase Jimmy Dugan in "A League of Their Own," there's no crying in the Clan section.


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