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Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 6:14 am
by eninn
الداعية هاشم Vs مسيحي بريطاني /من هو الإله الحقيقي

أحمد ديدات - لماذا حملوا السيوف !

أحمد ديدات -- وَلَكُمْ فِي الْقِصاصِ حَياةٌ يَا أُولِي الْأَلْبابِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ

قس يكفر بدينه ويرمي كتابه المقدس فى القمامة - أقوى إفحامات أحمد ديدات

Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 6:14 am
by eninn
الداعية هاشم Vs مسيحي بريطاني /من هو الإله الحقيقي

أحمد ديدات - لماذا حملوا السيوف !

أحمد ديدات -- وَلَكُمْ فِي الْقِصاصِ حَياةٌ يَا أُولِي الْأَلْبابِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ

قس يكفر بدينه ويرمي كتابه المقدس فى القمامة - أقوى إفحامات أحمد ديدات

Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 6:02 am
by eninn
Muhammad ibn (son of) Abdullah ibn (son of) Abdul Mutalib, was born on 12 Rabi 'Awwal in the year 570 C.E. (Christian Era) in Makkah, (today: Saudi Arabia) and he died in 633 C.E. in Yathrib (today: Madinah, Saudi Arabia)

In Arabic the word prophet (nabi) is derived from the word naba which means news. Thus we deduce that a prophet spreads the news of God and His message, they are in a sense God’s ambassadors on earth. Their mission is to convey the message to worship One God. This includes, calling the people to God, explaining the message, bringing glad tidings or warnings and directing the affairs of the nation. All the prophets were anxious to convey God’s message sincerely and completely and this included the last prophet, Muhammad. During his final sermon Prophet Muhammad asked the congregation three times whether he had delivered the message, and called on God to witness their answer, which was a resounding “yes!”.

As well as the essence of their call to One God, another accepted sign of the truth of the prophets is how they live their lives. The accounts of Prophet Muhammad’s life that we have inherited from our righteous predecessors illustrate that Muhammad’s Prophethood was guided by God from the very beginning. Long before, Prophethood Muhammad was being prepared to guide humankind to the straight path and his life experiences stood him in good stead for such a weighty mission. Then at the age of 40 when Prophethood was bestowed upon him, God continued to support and affirm his mission. Any account of Muhammad’s life is filled with examples of his exemplary character; he was merciful, compassionate, truthful, brave, and generous, while striving solely for the rewards of the Hereafter. The way Prophet Muhammad dealt with his companions, acquaintances, enemies, animals and even inanimate objects left no doubt that he was ever mindful of God.

Muhammad’s birth was accompanied by many so called miraculous events and the talk of the extraordinary events no doubt functioned as signs of Prophethood,

Special but not unique circumstances surrounded childhood of Prophet Muhammad and these undoubtedly had a bearing on his character. By the time he was eight years old he had suffered through the death of both his parents and his beloved grandfather Abdul Muttalib. He was left in the care of his uncle and great supporter Abu Talib. Thus even as a young boy he had already suffered great emotional and physical upheaval. Both the many chroniclers of Muhammad’s life and the Quran acknowledge his disrupted life.

Did He not find you (O Muhammad) an orphan and gave you a refuge? (Quran 93:6)

Muhammad’s uncle Abu Talib was poor and struggled to keep his family fed, thus during his adolescence Muhammad worked as a shepherd. From this occupation he learned to embrace solitude and developed characteristics such as patience, cautiousness, care, leadership and an ability to sense danger. Shepherding was an occupation that all the prophets of God we know of had in common. ‘…The companions asked, “Were you a shepherd?” He replied, “There was no prophet who was not a shepherd.”’[1]

In his teens Muhammad sometimes travelled with Abu Talib, accompanying caravans to trade centres. On at least one occasion, he is said to have travelled as far north as Syria. Older merchants recognized his character and nicknamed him Al-Amin, the one you can trust. Even in his youth he was known as truthful and trustworthy. One story that is accepted by most Islamic scholars and historians is the account of one of Prophet Muhammad’s trips to Syria.

The story goes that the monk Bahira foretold the coming Prophethood and counselled Abu Talib to “guard his nephew carefully”. According to biographer Ibn Ishaq, as the caravan in which Prophet Muhammad was travelling approached the edge of town, Bahira could see a cloud that appeared to be shading and following a young man. When the caravan halted under the shadow of some trees, Bahira “looked at the cloud when it over-shadowed the tree, and its branches were bending and drooping over the apostle of God until he was in the shadow beneath it.” After Bahira witnessed this he observed Muhammad closely and asked him many questions concerning a number of Christian prophecies he had read and heard about.

The young Muhammad was distinguished among his people for his modesty, virtuous behaviour and graceful manners, thus it was no surprise for his companions to see him, even as a youth many years before Prophethood, shun superstitious practices and keep away from drinking alcohol, eating meat slaughtered on stone altars or attending idolatrous festivals. By the time he reached adulthood Muhammad was thought of as the most reliable and trustworthy member of the Meccan community. Even those who concerned themselves with petty tribal squabbles acknowledged Muhammad’s honesty and integrity.

Muhammad’s virtues and good moral character was established from a young age, and God continued to support and guide him. When he was 40 years old Muhammad was given the means to change the world, the means to benefit the whole of humanity


The greatest man to ever walk the earth - YouTube

Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 1:32 am
by eninn
. Christians very often criticize Jihad in Islam and do not understand, or pretend not to understand, that war may become inevitable in certain situations, and even necessary. Yet it suffices to look at history to realize that war has always been part of the lot of human beings.

A religion that has no law governing war cannot be a religion of love for the simple reason that in conflict situations its followers risk overindulging. The History of Christianity is a fine example of this case. Indeed, having no law governing war, Christianity was guilty of the Crusades, Colonization, Slavery, Inquisition, exterminations of American Indians and Australian Aborigines. , the apartheid situation in South Africa, etc. Would a religion of love, as argued by Christian polemicists, give so much rotten fruit?

These polemicists absolutely do not understand the notion of abandoning oneself to fight in the way of God and to protect the weak as the Holy Quran says:

And what is it with you? You do not fight in the cause of Allah and for oppressed men, women, and children who cry out, “Our Lord! Deliver us from this land of oppressors! Appoint for us a saviour; appoint for us a helper—all by Your grace.”

Holy Quran, Sura an-Nisâ (Women) 4, 75

It is therefore from the perspective of fighting for God and for the cause of the weak that Islam conceives of war. It is with realism that we read in the book of Islamic jurisprudence, Fiqh As-Sunna:

War is an ineluctable social phenomenon which touches all Nations and all times, or nearly so; the earlier revealed Laws recognize this fact: we find in the Torah which the Jews meditate on the legal recognition of the concept of war in its most abrupt form. As for international law, it defines the situations in which war becomes legitimate, codifying for it laws and customs that mitigate its effects, in addition to the fact that these laws have never been applied. "

Source: Sayyid Sabiq, Fiqh As-Sunna, ENNOUR editions, Volume 3, p.25

If Islam governed the war, it was quite simply to limit its misdeeds. Would we be foolish enough to decry the Geneva Conventions and claim that they legitimize war? Clearly not. In Islam, God does not like war and even Christian historian Karen Armstrong understood this when she said:

[...] The word Islam comes from the same Arabic root as the word peace and the Koran condemns war as an abnormal event contrary to the will of God: "Whenever they kindle the fire of war, Allah puts it out. And they strive to spread corruption in the land. And Allah does not like corruptors. " (The Quran, sura al-Ma'ida, verse 64)

Islam does not justify aggressive war or extermination, as the Torah does in the first five books of the Bible. A more realistic religion than Christianity, Islam declares that war is inevitable and sometimes a positive obligation to end oppression and suffering. The Qur'an teaches that war should be limited and conducted in the most humane way possible. Mohammed had to fight not only the inhabitants of Mecca but also the Jewish tribes in the region and the Christian tribes in Syria who allied with the Jews were planning an attack against him. Yet this did not make Mohammed denounce the people of the book.

We will conclude this short study with the glorification of the warriors by the sanctified champion of Christians, Paul of Tarsus, who affirms in the book attributed to him (Hebrews 11: 32-34): " And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson and Jephthah, about David and Samuel and the prophets, 33 who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies.

It is therefore by Faith, and for the fulfillment of the divine promises, that these prophets-mujahedin accomplished all these exploits and destroyed their enemies, although they often committed barbarities, and killed the infants who do not 'had not made any mistakes (which is forbidden in Islam by the way).

Christians should spend more time in front of their Bibles and studying it instead of following preconceptions that ultimately backfire

أحمد ديدات - أبناء الرب وأبناء إبليس فى الكتاب المقدس - هام

الإغتصاب المقدّس --- Holy rape

الجنة ثلاث درجات! منصور وحمزة في حوار مع مورموني

Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2020 11:43 pm
by eninn
two bible verses in particular sum up the position of women:

"I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." By this third chapter of Genesis, woman lost her rights, her standing—even her identity, and motherhood became a God-inflicted curse degrading her status in the world.

In the New Testament, the bible decrees:

"Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." 1 Tim. 2:11-14

One bible verse alone, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" (Exodus 22:18) is responsible for the death of tens of thousands, if not millions, of women. Do women and those who care about them need further evidence of the great harm of Christianity, predicated as it has been on these and similar teachings about women?

Church writer Tertullian said "each of you women is an Eve . . . You are the gate of Hell, you are the temptress of the forbidden tree; you are the first deserter of the divine law."

Martin Luther decreed: "If a woman grows weary and at last dies from childbearing, it matters not. Let her die from bearing, she is there to do it."

Christian writings therefore indeed regard the intelligence of women as inferior to that of men. According to the Bible women, sources of evil and corruption from "original sin" should remain silent in churches and they should not be given the opportunity to teach or educate a male audience.

Thus, we saw that the law of the levirate was an injustice towards the woman, because it obliges her to marry the brother of the husband if he dies without leaving children, and in default of the brother, it is the nearest relative and so on. As long as the husband has not had children, his wife will be required to marry a man of her family in order to have children, so that the line of the deceased is not erased.

Thus, according to the Bible adultery is one who has slept with a married woman, which means that the man is not punished because he cheated on his wife if he has one, but simply because he slept with his neighbor's wife. Conversely, according to Islam adultery is any person, man or woman, who cheats on his spouse.

The bible establishes woman's inferior status, her "uncleanliness," her transgressions, and God-ordained master/servant relationship to man. Biblical women are possessions: fathers own them, sell them into bondage, even sacrifice them. The bible sanctions rape during wartime and in other contexts. Wives are subject to Mosaic-law sanctioned "bedchecks" as brides, and male jealousy fits and no-notice divorce as wives.

The most typical biblical labels of women are "harlot" and "whore." They are described as having evil, even satanic powers of allurement. Contempt for women's bodies and reproductive capacity is a bedrock of the bible. The few role models offered are stereotyped, conventional and inadequate, with bible heroines admired for obedience and battle spirit. Jesus scorns his own mother, refusing to bless her, and issues dire warnings about the fate of pregnant and nursing women..

احمد ديدات - علماء الغرب و القرآن

نادر جداً - محمد على كلاي و درس في الصبر و الإحتساب

أحمد ديدات يفضح كذب أنيس شوروش

هل كتاب الأناجيل شهود عيان لعيسى أم هذه أقاويل مبالغ فيها؟

Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 3:12 am
by eninn
you have to know where to find solutions to all the problems:

To answer this question,

Solution to all problems is none but God.
God sent prophets for guidance to mankind. This guidance is within prophecies found in original divine books.
Where to find divine original books? To the best of my researches, the only religious holy book unchanged or not distorted up to this very day is Qur'an. Therefore, if people are to look for Pure Divine Guidance or Divine Constitution, they should use this book.

And who are using this book? Answer: Muslims. And what is the religion of Muslims? Answer: Islam.
Therefore, Islam is likely to be a solution to all problems if implemented and interpreted properly. This is a view of scientific researchers supported by scientists of European Union. After reading all the Qur'an, the famous British writer William Shakespeare concluded : “ The author of this book can be none other than God”. This prompted many including scientists to research about the book especially in the field of science - comparison of scientific facts and Quranic verses. They matched at all times.

Here is one of the scientific researches:
When the late French president François Mitterrand took over in 1981, France requested from Egypt in the late eighties to host the mummy of Pharaoh - this Pharaoh known as King Ramses 3 is the one who challenged the prophet Moses from delivering children of Israel from bondage in Egypt - to conduct archaeological tests. The mummy was then brought to the French archaeological centre where the top surgeons led by Professor Maurice Bucaille started to study the mummy and discovered its secrets:

• It was discovered that there were remnants of salt in the mummy of Pharaoh's body. This was the evidence beyond any reasonable doubt that Pharaoh died during drowning and his body got extracted from the sea after the drowning.

• But Professor Maurice Bucaille wondered how had this particular body remained intact from other mummies that got rotten and decayed long ago! While still puzzled, someone told Dr Maurice Bucaille that the whole story of Pharaoh drowning and body preservation are already revealed in the Qur'an though the mummy got detected in 1898 while this Qur'an has been there over 1400 years ago!

• Professor Maurice Bucaille got interested in this Qur'an book and was shown a verse in it where the Al-mighty God says ( Qur'an chapter 10, verse 92 or Surat Jonah 10: 92): “ So this day We shall deliver your (dead) body (out of the sea) that you may be a sign to those who come after you! And verily, many among mankind are heedless of of our signs.” This later led the Professor to believe in the book and made further researches that are written in different books - available even on line, just click Professor Maurice Bucaille researches on U-tube or Google.
This is one if the major reasons Islam is the fastest growing Religion all over the world due to consistency of the scientific prophecies in Qur'an discovered recently in modern science.

Dr.Zakir Naik - Islam The Solution For Problems of Mankind (Full

فتاة بريطانية تسافر مسافة طويلة لتسأل حمزة عن الإسلام في نهاية رائعة

ملكي صادق - الرب الذى لم يُعبد قط

أحمد ديدات - عِدّة الأرملة من معجزات العهد الأخير - رائع

Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 11:18 pm
by eninn
ذاكر نايك يقصف أعداء الشريعة ويكشف أسرار مرعبة عن سبب تحريم الخمر ! Zakir Naik

فريق مؤسسة الإيمان للدعوة في جامعة مانشستر متروبوليتان

لم الإسلام؟ - أسئلة وأجوبة - الجزء الثاني

Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 12:30 am
by eninn
there are a number of statements in the Qur'an which prove that neither Satan nor anyone else can interfere in the process of revelations, nor that the Prophet ever harbored any intention to compromise With the leaders of the infidels
nor that there is ever part interpolated anything in the text of the revelation

the Qur'an cannot come from Satan because it is cursed, despised and condemned outright to hell. Moreover, Allah asks Muslims to seek protection from Satan at all times and even to ask for this protection when one begins to recite the Quran.

According to the principle of Jesus (pbuh): How can Satan cast out Satan? Any kingdom divided against itself is devastated, and any city or house divided against itself cannot stand. If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand?

According to this principle straight out of the mouth of Jesus (pbuh) in the Bible, Satan cannot cast out Satan and therefore the Quran which drives out Satan cannot come from Satan. CQFD.

Besides, would Satan be so stupid for:

1 - put an end to polytheism in the region?
2 - to develop a religion which imposes the worship of God the One?
3 - make the disciples of this religion believe that he is the number 1 enemy of Humanity?
4 - force believers to recognize one God, give alms, pilgrimage, impose the liberation of slaves as well as alms for all the faithful?

Would Satan be an ass to destroy his own kingdom on his own? It would really take that the devil was a totally failed idiot and finished to invent a monotheistic religion which castigates him as being the worst enemy of humanity, which curses him and which, above all, puts an end to polytheism in the region by imposing worship of the One God.

In other words Satan cannot dig his own grave let alone bury himself. It is therefore illogical and pretentious to argue that Islam is the work of the devil.

the Qur'an is rigorous in the construction of its sentences. Each word has a very precise place for a very precise reason, all the nuances are taken into account even for two fundamentally identical situations, the harmony and the balance in the choice of the words is numerically ascertainable and finally,the Qur'an has a specificity literary specific to the Arabic language, namely that there are 34% of the 3-character radicals of the Arabic language and that it is proven that the elite of Arab linguists can only use 5% at most in their writings are almost 7 times less than in the Qur'an .

Yet no madman in the world has been and will be capable of such a linguistic feat. The hypothesis that the atypical thematic narrations and structures of the Qur'an are the result of a disturbed mind therefore does not stand the test of logic.

"For those who claim to present a work similar to the Qur’an, ask them to present a book free of contradictions that remains intact for 14 centuries and gathers around it two billion believers who recite it and cry when they listen." The Quran

1/2 الإله لا يموت! هاشم في حوار مع مسيحي الجزء الأول

2/2 يسوع يلعن شجرة التين! هاشم في حوار مع مسيحي الجزء الثاني

Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 8:46 am
by eninn
Kill the disbelievers! A verse quoted out of context.

In the media, the verses of the Quran are quoted out of context and one of the most cited verses outside of its context is in Sura At-Tawbah,

"Where you find a disbeliever kill him" but if you are going to read in the Qur'an:

“5.But once the Sacred Months have passed, kill the polytheists ˹who violated their treaties˺ wherever you find them,1 capture them, besiege them, and lie in wait for them on every way. But if they repent, perform prayers, and pay alms-tax, then set them free. Indeed, Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

6. And if anyone from the polytheists asks for your protection ˹O Prophet˺, grant it to them so they may hear the Word of Allah, then escort them to a place of safety, for they are a people who have no knowledge.

7. How can such polytheists have a treaty with Allah and His Messenger, except those you have made a treaty with at the Sacred Mosque?1 So, as long as they are true to you, be true to them. Indeed Allah loves those who are mindful ˹of Him˺. "[The Quran, Sura At-Tawbah, 9: 5-7]

They quote verses from the Quran out of context, as do the Hadiths (sayings of the prophet). When one reads the previous verses, one realizes that there was a peace treaty between the Muslims and the pagans of Mecca and this peace treaty was unilaterally broken by the pagans of Mecca. Through the revelation of verse 5 God gives an ultimatum to the pagans of Mecca "to end hostilities within the next four months otherwise war is declared. And on the battlefield God says to the Muslims : "do not be afraid, fight and wherever you find the enemies kill them".

A leader to motivate his troops would say the same thing, he still won't say where you find your enemies get killed. So the context of the verse is in a battlefield. And in this context God tells Muslims not to be afraid to kill their enemies rather than let themselves be killed.

Now imagine if the U.S.A was at war in Vietnam and the president said on the battlefield to motivate these troops "kill every Vietnamese you meet", you would have to pay attention to the contexts. If you take this president out of context and say that today the American president is calling for all Vietnamese to be killed, you would sound like a dishonest person because it is taken out of context.

Many detractors of Islam quote this verse from the Quran out of context, they quote verse 5 of sura and they just jump after verse 7 by dropping verse 6 because verse 6 responds to the criticism: “And if anyone from the polytheists asks for your protection ˹O Prophet˺, grant it to them so they may hear the Word of Allah, then escort them to a place of safety, for they are a people who have no knowledge. "[The Quran, Sura At-Tawbah, 9: 6]

If the enemy asks you for asylum, don't just let him go! Accompany him to his place of safety so that he can hear the word of God.

The most lenient army in the world would tell you, if the enemy wants to go then he goes.

But the Qur'an says: if the enemy wants peace, don't just let him go, escort him to a place where he will be safe. And all the verses of the Koran which speak of war are followed by verses specifying that peace remains the best solution. Because Islam is a religion of peace

كيف عرف النبي ذلك؟! - حدث تاريخي مفصل يذكره القرآن بدقة ويفشل الكتاب المقدس في ذكره

الليبرالية في مقابل الإسلام! حوار جميل وهادئ بين صبور أحمد وزائر

Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 9:19 am
by eninn
Recently, scientists had discovered that forelock area (upper and front of the brain) controls right decisions making, so as long as this are is active and efficient ,the taken decisions would be more accurate and wise .prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him) says in his supplication (oh god, my forelock is between your hand) [Narrated by Ahmed].

in this supplication there is a full submission from the prophet to his god be he exalted as god is controlling however he wants and is predetermining whatever he wants . Also scientists discovered that forelock area plays a vital role in realizing, steering, problem solving and creation. So that prophet Mohamed had submitted this area for his god.

After long studies for brain activities, scientists had discovered that the most important area is the forelock (forepart of the head ) as this area is responsible for creation and steering operations so prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him) confirms that this area is so important , and this is a miracle which testify that the prophet is sincere .

How could he know about that issue in a time when no one knows anything about it? God taught him all of that as god says: (and taught you that which you knew not. And Ever Great is the Grace of Allah unto you) (An-Nisa'- verse 113)

الزوجة أو العشيقة؟ محمد حجاب في حوار مع زائر

أسلم يا ريتشارد! هاشم والشيخ محمد في حوار مع المسيحي ريتشارد

Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 1:38 am
by eninn
نبيكم عنصري! محمد حجاب في حوار مع طلاب من الطائفة المورمونية

الداعية هاشم Vs مسيحي بريطاني /من هو الإله الحقيقي

هل ستطعمين النباتات لقطتكِ؟ هاشم في حوار مع نباتيين

مسيحي يصر "أنتم تعبدون الكعبة" ومسلم يرد بالأدلة مع نهاية قوية بتدمير عقيدة النصارى | ركن الخطباء

Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 11:45 am
by eninn
Christmas and 25th of December
Many Christians are unaware that the true spirit of reverence which Muslims display towards Jesus and his mother Mary spring from the fountainhead of their faith as prescribed in the Holy Quran. Most do not know that a Muslim does not take the name of Jesus , without saying Eesa alai-hiss-salaam i.e. (Jesus peace be upon him).

Jesus is commonly considered to have been born on the 25th of December. However, it is common knowledge among Christian scholars that he was not born on this day. It is well known that the first Christian churches held their festival in May, April, or January. Scholars of the first two centuries AD even differ in which year he was born. Some believing that he was born fully twenty years before the current accepted date. So how was the 25th of December selected as the birthday of Jesus ?

Grolier's encyclopedia says: "Christmas is the feast of the birth of Jesus Christ, celebrated on December 25 ... Despite the beliefs about Christ that the birth stories expressed, the church did not observe a festival for the celebration of the event until the 4th century.... since 274, under the emperor Aurelian, Rome had celebrated the feast of the "Invincible Sun" on December 25. In the Eastern Church, January 6, a day also associated with the winter solstice, was initially preferred. In course of time, however, the West added the Eastern date as the Feast of the Epiphany, and the East added the Western date of Christmas".

So who else celebrated the 25th of December as the birth day of their gods before it was agreed upon as the birth day of Jesus ? Well, there are the people of India who rejoice, decorate their houses with garlands, and give presents to their friends on this day. The people of China also celebrate this day and close their shops. Buddha is believed to have been born on this day. The great savior and god of the Persians, Mithras, is also believed to have been born on the 25th of December long before the coming of Jesus .

The Egyptians celebrated this day as the birth day of their great savior Horus, the Egyptian god of light and the son of the "virgin mother" and "queen of the heavens" Isis. Osiris, god of the dead and the underworld in Egypt, the son of "the holy virgin", again was believed to have been born on the 25th of December.

The Greeks celebrated the 25th of December as the birthday of Hercules, the son of the supreme god of the Greeks, Zeus, through the mortal woman Alcmene Bacchus, the god of wine and revelry among the Romans (known among the Greeks as Dionysus) was also born on this day.

Adonis, revered as a "dying-and-rising god" among the Greeks, miraculously was also born on the 25th of December. His worshipers held him a yearly festival representing his death and resurrection, in midsummer. The ceremonies of his birthday are recorded to have taken place in the same cave in Bethlehem which is claimed to have been the birth place of Jesus .

The Scandinavians celebrated the 25th of December as the birthday of their god Freyr, the son of their supreme god of the heavens, Odin.

The Romans observed this day as the birthday of the god of the sun, Natalis Solis Invicti ("Birthday of Sol the invincible"). There was great rejoicing and all shops were closed. There was illumination and public games. Presents were exchanged, and the slaves were indulged in great liberties. These are the same Romans who would later preside over the council of Nicea (325 CE) which lead to the official Christian recognition of the "Trinity" as the "true" nature of God, and the "fact" that Jesus was born on the 25th of December too.

In Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Gibbon says: "The Roman Christians, ignorant of his (Christ's) birth, fixed the solemn festival to the 25th of December, the Brumalia, or Winter Solstice, when the Pagans annually celebrated the birth of Sol " vol. ii, p. 383.

Christians opposed to Christmas

There are several Christian groups who are opposed to Christmas. For example, they take the verse from the Bible in Jeremiah 10:2-4 as an admonition against decorating Christmas trees.

The King James Version reads: "Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen.... For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not."

In order to understand this subject, it is helpful to trace some of the history of Christmas avoidance, particularly its roots in Puritanism.

The Puritans believed that the first-century church modeled a Christianity that modern Christians should copy. They attempted to base their faith and practice solely on the New Testament, and their position on Christmas reflected their commitment to practice a pure, scriptural form of Christianity. Puritans argued that God reserved to himself the determination of all proper forms of worship, and that he disapproved of any human innovations - even innovations that celebrated the great events of salvation. The name Christmas also alienated many Puritans.

Christmas, after all, meant "the mass of Christ." The mass was despised as a Roman Catholic institution that undermined the Protestant concept of Christ, who offered himself once for all. The Puritans' passionate avoidance of any practice that was associated with papal Rome caused them to overlook the fact that in many countries the name for the day had nothing to do with the Catholic mass, but focused instead on Jesus' birth. The mass did not evolve into the form abhorred by Protestants until long after Christmas was widely observed. The two customs had separate, though interconnected, histories.

As ardent Protestants, Puritans identified the embracing of Christianity by the Roman Emperor Constantine in the early 300s CE as the starting point of the degeneration and corruption of the church. They believed the corruption of the church was brought on by the interweaving of the church with the pagan Roman state. To Puritans, Christmas was impure because it entered the Roman Church sometime in this period. No one knows the exact year or under what circumstances Roman Christians began to celebrate the birth of their Lord, but by the mid-300s CE, the practice was well established.

when Christ was born Ahmed Deedat a lecture debates youtube

حكم التهنئة بالكريسماس - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik

أحمد ديدات - من هو أبو المسيح عليه السلام - YouTube

Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 12:27 am
by eninn
An-Nawwas ibn Sam’aan reported that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said:
"Righteousness is good character, and sin is whatever bothers you and you do not want people to know." (Saheeh Muslim)
Hence one can say that Islam as a whole came to perfect good manners, as did the Prophet himself:
"Indeed I was only sent to complete the most noble character traits." (Saheeh Muslim)
As Islam is not a mere religion but a complete way of life, incorporating all of its various facets and aspects, good manners is actually regarded as a means of worship by which one may achieve the same reward of doing other more obvious voluntary acts of worship. The Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, stated:

"Through his manners and good conduct, the believer can attain the status of a person who frequently fasts and prays at night." (Abu Dawud)
Rather, the Prophet even stated it to be one of the best forms of worship, second to none but the obligatory mandates of Islam:
"On the Day of Resurrection, nothing will be heavier in the scale (of good deeds) of the believer than good conduct. God hates the one who swears and hurls obscenities." (Abu Dawud, Al-Tirmidhi)
Through maintaining good conduct, one becomes one of the beloved servants of God. The Prophet said:
"The most beloved slaves of God to God are those who have the best manners." (Al-Hakim)
When one realizes the importance of good character and its essentiality in defining righteousness, an aspect which is the goal of Islam, this exhorts Muslims to fulfill this aspect of faith as well, since one can not become "righteous" through mere belief and devotion to God in themselves without good character.

But what is regarded as good character? We find that the Quran and Sunnah in various texts define it to be any trait that is beneficial to humans, both to oneself as well as to others, at the same time not being generally or specifically prohibited by Islam. For example, God says:
"Those who suppress their anger, and forgive other people – assuredly, God loves those who do good." (Quran 3:134)
Righteousness is dealing fairly, justly and politely with one’s family. The Prophet said:
"The believers with the most perfect faith are those with the most perfect conduct and manners. And the best ones amongst you are those who are best to their families." (Al-Tirmidhi)
Truthfulness is an essential aspect of good character which leads to Paradise. The Prophet said:
"Indeed truthfulness is righteousness, and indeed righteousness leads to Paradise." (Saheeh Muslim)
For this reason, we look to divine guidance in order to define for us good manners and character, exemplified by the Prophet,
as God said:
"Surely, you (O Muhammad) are upon a high standard of moral character." (Quran 68:4)
God also said:
"Indeed in the Messenger of God you have a beautiful example of conduct to follow…" (Quran 33:21)
Aisha, the wife of the noble Prophet, was asked about his character. She replied:
"His character was that of the Quran." (Saheeh Muslim, Abu Dawud)
بطل كاراتيه أوروبي يسلم وينقذ عائلته الملحدة قصة أعجب من الخيال Karate champion becomes a Muslim

عباس ومسيحي منفعل آخر| Abbas & Another Emotional Christian

مليونير كندي ترك كل شىء من أجل الاسلام ( الجزء الاول)

المليونير السويسري اعتنق الإسلام جزء 2 - YouTube

Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 1:47 am
by eninn
There are still Christians today who try to make us believe that the Bible and the NT teachings of Jesus contain a message of peace and love. We are always told that Jesus of the NT was someone who did not like violence unlike the Prophet (sws). We know that all this propaganda of a Jesus who is kind, tolerant and better than everyone else is a myth and this has been demonstrated several times
- We will focus in this article on tortures and tortures in the Bible. These punishments are ordered by God, by prophets, judges, men of God, or other people. In general, these torments are regarded as a work pleasing to God. In the worst case, God does not blame them. The only torture that might not be approved is in Judges 19.22-30, because at that time there was no king in Israel. Finally, Certain tortures are practiced for revenge.
- Here are several tortures found in the Bible
- Bitten by snakes
- Bible Saci: And having brought out the inhabitants, they treated them as they themselves treated their enemies. He cut them with saws, put wagons with iron wheels over them, cut them to pieces with knives, and threw them down.
- in ovens where bricks are fired.
- Bible Fillion: And having brought out the inhabitants, he cut them with saws, made pass over them sleighs clad in iron, cut them to pieces with knives, and threw them into brick ovens.
- Calmet's dictionary says:
- He made the Ammonites suffer a still more cruel punishment: He cut them with saws, He passed over them wagons armed with iron, He cut them in pieces with knives, and had them thrown into cooking stoves. the bricks . The wagons, of which it is spoken here, are machines suitable for breaking the straws, and for bringing out the grain; there were several kinds; but all were armed with iron or stone to break the chaff. See below TRAINOIRS. Finally he made them pass through the iron knives, and through a place where bricks are made: either we hear these last terms of a brick kiln, or of the place where the earth is crushed by tile makers. , in which these unfortunate people were crushed. These tortures are horrifying; but they were tolerated among these peoples, who allowed themselves to put to death whatever was taken in war.
- Dictionary of the Bible of Dom Augustin Calmet, Punishments of the Hebrews.
- Immediate conclusion: Christians who insult Islam should ask themselves the following question: If ever a book were to be considered barbaric, wouldn't it be the Bible?
- الجزء 1 سيدة الكنيسة مندهشة للتعلم عن المرأة في الإسلام

- الجزء 2 سيدة الكنيسة مندهشة للتعلم عن المرأة في الإسلام

Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 8:52 am
by eninn
القرآن يذهل العالم ويكشف 10 أسرار تاريخية عن الفراعنة ومصر القديمة لم تُكتشف إلا حديثاً

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