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Breaking News: Sheikh Sharif Government Near Collapse.......

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 7:32 am
by Somalian_Boqor
Breaking News: Sheikh Sharif Government Near Collapse.......Only After 6 Months Of Exitence.

Xoogagga Xisbul Islaam iyo Al-shabaab oo saakay la wareegay isgoyska Sanca, kuna sii fool leh isgoyska Nasiib-buundo ee degmada Shibis

Waxaa daqiiqado ka hor uu dagaal ka qarxay deegaano ku teedsan isgoyska Sanca oo ay horay isugu hor fadhiyeen xoogagga Xisbul Islaam iyo Al-shabaab oo dhinac ah iyo dawladda federalka, kaasoo laysku adeegsanayay hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan.

Dagaalkan oo aad u xoogganaa kaddib ayaa waxaa ay ugu suurto gashay xoogagga Mucaaradka inay saakay la wareegaan Isgoyska Sanca oo ay maalmihii ugu dambeeyay ku sugnaayeen ciidamo taabacsan dawladda federalka Soomaaliya, waxaana dagaalka uu ku sii fiday ilaa isgoyska Nasiib Buundo ee degmada Shibis

Xoogagga Xisbul Islaam iyo Al-shabaab ayaa la wareegitaankooda isgoyska Sanca wuxuu u noqonayaa guul hor leh oo u soo hooyatay xoogaggaasi maadaama Sarta Sanca ay ahayd difaacii ugu dambeeyay oo ay ku jireen ciidamada dawladda federalka.

Xoogagga Mucaaradka ayaa waxay ku sii siqayaan qeybo hor leh oo ka tirsan degmooyinka Shibis, Kaaraan iyo C/casiis, waxaana weerarka xoogagga Mucaaradka oo ah mid saf ballaaran uu ku jiheysan yahay dhinaca madaxtooyada Filla Soomaaliya oo aan sidaasi uga fogayn goobaha ay haatan ku sugan yihiin xoogagga Mucaaradka.

Cabdiraxmaan Macalin Xuseen
Tafatiraha Wabka

dayniilecom@hotmail. com
deyniilenews@yahoo.c om

Re: Breaking News: Sheikh Sharif Government Near Collapse.......

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 7:38 am
by Somalian_Boqor
Reports say that the fighting started in parts of Yaqshid district early on Saturday morning and lately spread to Shibis and Karan districts as both sides claimed victory about the fighting and still exchanging heavy gunfire in the capial.

Mo'alin Hashi, a member of Hisbul Islam organization officials told Shabelle radio that they have the upper hand of the fighting continuing in Yaqshid district adding that their forces are near to Global hotel in the north of the capital.

On the other hand, Farhan Asanyo, a military spokesman of the transitional government disproved the statement of Mo'alin Hashi saying that the government soldiers are very close to Pasta Factory, a stronghold of the Islamist forces in the Somali capital Mogadishu.

It is unclear the real casualty and details of the fighting

But shortly after we had contacted Abdirak Kampala, a freelance journalist in area of the fighting specially Nasin-Bundo neighborhood in Shibis district, he told Shabelle Media Network that Hisbul Islam forces backing by Harakat Al-shabab Mujahideen forces were in Nasib-Bundo zone, an area of the fighting in north of the capital.

Kampala said that the sound of heavy gunfire could be heard in all directions as many fleeing people could also be seen in warring areas of the fighting in Mogadishu.

The fighting comes as there has been heavy fighting between the two sides yesterday afternoon until overnight, killing 4, injuring 10 others in Yaqshid and Karan districts in the north of the capital

Re: Breaking News: Sheikh Sharif Government Near Collapse.......

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 9:55 pm
by afisoone