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Puntland Diaspora Welcome Puntland Mine Delegation. Pictures

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:02 pm
by Osman-NZ
Jaaliyada Puntland oo ku soo dhawaysay magalada Geneva ee dalka Switzerland wafti ka yimi dowlad goboledka Puntland>>>>
Arbaco 01 Jul 2009

Jaaliyada Puntland oo ku soo dhawaysay magalada Geneva ee dalka Switzerland wafti ka yimi dowlad goboledka Puntland oo oo u yimi in ay ka qaybgalaan shirar ku saabsan miinooyinka oo ay qabatay qaramada midoobay.

Waxan halkaan idiinku soo gudbinayaa warbixin yar oo ku saabasan imaatinkayaagii aan ku nimid Geneva, waana sidan;

Waxan ahayn aniga (Cabdirisaaq Ciise Xuseen) oo ah Diretor-ka Hayadda Miinada Puntland (PMAC)
Iyo Cali Yusuf Cali oo ah kuxigeenka wasiirka wasaaradda arrima gudaha Puntland.

Shirka aan u nimid waxa uu ahaa shirkii labaad ee ay isugu yimaadaan waddama saxeexay heshiika Geneva Call kuwaas oo ah 39 waddan oo ah waddama aanay dawlad dhexe ka jirin ama qayb-ka-mid ah aanay jirin, waxana looga hadlayey sidii loo meel marin lahaa heshiiskaas oo dhigaya mamnuucista miinada lidka dadka isticmaalkeed, kaydinteeda, soo saaristeeda, ka ganacsigeed iyo isugudbinteedaba, (Total Ban).

Sidan bay ugu qeexeen luqadda englishka;-

The Second Meeting of Signatories to Deed of Commitment for Adherence
to a Total Ban on Anti-Personnel (AP) Mines and for Cooperation in
Mine Action on 17-19 June 2009, hoted by Geneva Call.

waxa kamid ahay xubnihii kusoo dhaweyay hotelka Kempinski

Yusuf Mohamed Ismacil Bari-Bari safiirka u fadhiyo dowlada ku meel garka ee somaliya
Cali Shiikh Jaamac
Faarax Maxamed
Maxamed Cabdiqadir
Luul Maxamed Dikriyow
Khadija Maxamed Dikriyow
Axmed Jaamac Fidhbol
Cabdinuur Yusuf Xuseen
Cabdi Qani Cali Axmed
cabdirashiid cisman maxamud
bashiir gureey dusaaye

Masawiradii kale halkan ka Daalaco..Guji.

Wafdigu waxay warbixin buuxda ka siiyeen jaaliyada xaalada ay hadeer ku sugantahay Puntland iyo sidii loo samayn lahaa xidhiidh kadhexeeya Jaaliyadaha Puntland ee ku nool debeda iyo Dawlada Puntland.

hol wadenka jaliyada puntland
bashiir gurey dusaaye 0041789515770

Anyways basic wrap up of this news is that puntland diaspora in switzerland met with the puntland delegation who were attending geneva convention of international community to sign onto the anti-mines policy of which puntland is 1 of 37 regions to do so only. This is excellent development that puntland will also be recognized as mines-free state which they already been awarded of early this year and will also participate in the geneva summit in switzerland with other nations to sign on its commitment.

Puntland diaspora welcomed the puntland delegation which consisted of puntland deputy minister of domestic affairs and director of the puntland mines group. Anyways that is the wrap up for that article for those of you who don't read somali.

I personally do wraps up for ppl who can't read somali because they want to know whats going on also. But this is great development to have puntland recognized as 1 of 37 nations that is free of mines and attending world summit to sign on as signatory to it's committment of "NO MINES IN PUNTLAND".


Re: Puntland Diaspora Welcome Puntland Mine Delegation. Pictures

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:54 am
by Amethyst
Masha'Allah, i'm hella proud of Puntland for taking this initiative. Def. much needed as we could use a lot few mines in Puntland or Somalia dhan!. I was reading just last year about how it was continuing to Kill and maiming too many people of our nomadic people and their herds/cattles! :down:

BTW: I posted a topic not long ago about the process of de-mining in Somalia. Awesome pictures!


Re: Puntland Diaspora Welcome Puntland Mine Delegation. Pictures

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 2:00 am
by Osman-NZ
Ameyst i am aware you posted the article of Puntland destruction of the mines. But this is Puntland delegation that is taking part in geneva convention and signing on to the agreement to keep Puntland mine free state. 1 out 37 Regions are mines-free which Puntland will be 1 of. So this is now the formal conference that is taking place between the nations of the world.