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Re: Gal-Mudug State Says we will Put SL Flag in Galkacyo IF

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:37 am
by The_Emperior5
Kambuli read this Ximan iyo xeeb Habargedir Administration Presidents Supports Somalilands statehood

Madaxweynaha Maamul-goboleedka la magac-baxay Ximan iyo Xeeb ee badhtamaha dalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdillaahi Macallin Aadan (Tiiceey) oo socdaal ku jooga Caasimadda Somaliland ee Hargeysa, ayaa Bulshada Caalamka ugu baaqay inay tixgeliyaan jiritaanka iyo rabitaanka qaddiyadda madaxbannaannida shacka Somaliland.

Madaxweyne Tiiceey oo shalay shir jaraa’id ku qabtay huteelka Maansoor, ayaa sheegay in socdaalkiisu la xidhiidho martiqaad rasmiya oo uu ka helay xukuumadda Somaliland, isagoo shacabkana ku hambalyeeyey horumarka ay gaadheen iyo nabadgelyada.

Ugu horayn waxa Maxweynaha Ximan iyo Xeeb uu faahfahin ka bixiyey ujeeddad Safarkiisa oo ay ku weheliyaan laba Wasiir oo maamulkiisa ka tirsan, goortii la aas-aasay maamulka uu Madaxweynaha ka yahay iyo sababihii dhaliyey dhismaha maamulkiisa. “Anigoo ku hadlaya magaca maamul-goboleedka Ximan iyo Xeeb oo ka tirsan Gobollada dhexe ee Soomaaliya, Baaxaddiisuna tahay 480 Km, dhinaca balacana ah 180 km, waxaan hambalyo u dirayaa shacabka iyo xukuumadda Somaliland, anigoo hambalyo iyo sallaan ay u soo direen walaalahooda Somaliland uga wada shacabka Ximan iyo Xeeb. Socdaalkaygu wuxu khuseeyaa sidii Xukuumadda Somaliland iyo maamulka Ximan iyo Xeeb xidhiidh dhinaca amniga iyo ganacsiga ahba u wada yeelan lahaayeen.” Sidaa ayuu yidhi Madaxweynaha maammulka la magac-baxay Ximan iyo Xeeb Md. Tiiceey, waxaanu intaa ku ladhay oo uu yidhi; “Waxaan shacabka Somaliland ku bogaadinayaa doorashadii xorta ahayd iyo sidii ay u dhacday oo aan u arkayey inaanay ka dhicin meel kale o Afrikada xorta ah ka mid ah, islamarkaana aan lahayn qalalaase oo si wanaagsan u dhacday iyo dhinaca amniga ee ka jira Somaliland, waxaan leeyahay walaalahayaga Somaliland inay xejistaan nimcadaa ay haystaan. Bulshada caalamka waxaan ugu baaqayaa inay tixgeliyaan rabitaanka shacabka iyo xukuumadda Somaliland.”

Hadalkaa uu jeediyey Madaxweynaha maamul-goboleedka Ximan iyo Xeeb Md. Maxamed Cabdillaahi Macallin Aadan (Tiiceey) markii uu dhammeeyey, ayaa Weriyayaashii Shirkiisa Jaraa’id ka qaybgalay waxay waydiiyeen su’aalo kala duwan. Su’aalahaas iyo Jawaabihii uu ka bixiyeyna waxay u dhaceen sedan:-

Su’aal: Madaxweyne, miyey jiraan Masuulliyiin Xukuumadda Somaliland ka tirsan oo kugu qaabbilay halkan, goormaase la aas-aasay maamulka aad hoggaamiso ee Ximan iyo Xeeb?

Jawaab: Maamulka Ximan iyo Xeeb waxaa la aas-aasay 2008 bishii afraad, waxaana magaalo madax u ah Cadaado, waxaanay fikraddu ka timi rabitaanka shacabka, islamarkaana waxaa majaraha u hayey dad qurba-joog ah, si amni iyo kala danbeyn loo helo. Intii ka horraysey 2008-dii deegaankaasi wuxuu ahaa mid dhinaca amniga iyo kala danbayntiisu ay aad u xumayd oo aanay ka jirin waxyaabihii kaabaha u ahaa nolosha aas-aasiga ah sida waxbarashada iyo caafimaadka. Muddadii aan xilka heyney ugu yaraan shan kun oo Arday ayaa hadda iskuula tagta, amniguna meel fiican ayuu marayaa oo noloshii ayaa dib u soo noqotay.

Intii aan joogey Hargeysa Madax badan waan la kulmay, inkastoo aanan jecleyn inaan magacaabo, laakiin, madax badan oo Somaliland ah ayaan la kulmay.

Su’aal: Madaxweyne, dadku waxay is-weydiinayaan xidhiidhka ka dhaxeyn kara Somaliland iyo maamul-goblolleedka Ximan iyo Xeeb ee ka jira Soomaaliya, markaa xidhiidhkaasi muxuu noqonayaa?

Jawaab: Xidhiidhkaasi wuxuu noqon karaa wacyi badan, waxaannu wada degganahay hal Qaarad, weliba haddaan dib u soo noqdo hal dal oo Soomaalia laysku odhan jiray ayaannu wada deggannahey, waxaa imanaya xidhiidh badan oo dhinaca Ganacsga iyo Amniga ah, waayo? Waxa laga yaabaa amni-darrada ku timaadda maammullada kale inay u soo gudbi karto Somaliland. Halkan [Somaliland] waxaan ku imi casuumad aan ka helay Somalilad, Safarkaygana waxaa igu weheliya laba Wasiir oo ka tirsan maamulka Ximan iyo Xeeb.

Su’aal: Maamulkiinnu, ma leeyahay Ciidan, Calan iyo Lacag u gaara, mise wuxuu hoos tegayaa Dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, side baad-se u aragtaan Madax-bannaanida Somaliland?

Jawaab: Maamul iyo dawlad way kala duwanyihiin, Somaliland waa dawlad, Ximan iyo Xeeb-na waa maamul-gobleed, markaa maamulku lacag khaasa ma yeelan karo, wuxuuse yeelan karaa Ciidan khaasa oo amniga ilaaliya. Arrinta jiritaanka Somaliland waxaan u arkaa muqaddas, sababtoo ah dimuqraadiyaddu waa wuxuu shacbku rabo, hadday shacbku dawladnimadooda rabaan cid u diidi kartaa ma jirto, 20-kii sanno ee la soo dhaafay shacabka Somaliland inay ka sii horumaraan halkay joogan mooyee waxba dib ugama dhicin, waxaan qabaa in caalamku indho gaara ku eego oo rabitaanka shacbku wuxuu yahay la tixgeliyo.

Re: Gal-Mudug State Says we will Put SL Flag in Galkacyo IF

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:38 am
by melo
Saleebaan are being strategic. They will cut your throats the minute they can. Sacad will try and enslave you if they can. But now its strategy. Support the dirtbags at all costs :down:

Re: Gal-Mudug State Says we will Put SL Flag in Galkacyo IF

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:39 am
by LiQaaye_TDH
Habar Gidir will rape you upside down you fool.....

Re: Gal-Mudug State Says we will Put SL Flag in Galkacyo IF

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:43 am
by melo
Habar Gidir will rape you upside down you fool.....
I can't speak for habar gidir oo dhan, but beesha sacad siciid are notorious for supporting faajir elements within society. They allied themselves with the faajir sufi ahlussunah over Maxaakin. They support secularlists over wadaads. We see their spokesmen on this forum, cabdi wahab. No wonder they support SL....

But don't be fooled, they will enslave/fight you if its in their own interest.

Re: Gal-Mudug State Says we will Put SL Flag in Galkacyo IF

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:53 am
by Siciid85
There is no animosity between Sacad - Habar Gedir & Somaliland. They know Risaldar Major Ina Garre a Isaaq man came to their aid in their time of need. :up:

"In the year 1921, an Issaq leader Haji Muse Igarre, brought the sacad over ten
thousand rifles, to help them fight against Suldan Yusuf Kenadiids domination."


Re: Gal-Mudug State Says we will Put SL Flag in Galkacyo IF

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:29 am
by galia
Galmudug has its own interest just as much as Somaliland iyo puntland. True say, our natural support goes towards Somaliland, god bless :up:

Re: Gal-Mudug State Says we will Put SL Flag in Galkacyo IF

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:41 am
by The_Emperior5
Galmudug has its own interest just as much as Somaliland iyo puntland. True say, our natural support goes towards Somaliland, god bless :up:
:up: :up: :up: :up:

Re: Gal-Mudug State Says we will Put SL Flag in Galkacyo IF

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:41 am
by udun
Oh so the self-hating secessionists are taking some relief with some guy writing somewhere that another clan is fine with SL? :shock: :lol: :lol: Looks like 2 defeats in Kalshaale is causing secessionists to seek alliances :lol: :lol:

They say desperate people do desperate things at desperate times. This definitely fits the Somalidiids :lol: :lol:

Udun meydkaagi ma guratay :lol: :lol:

Bariitoole waxad arki doonta warqadihi dhadheera eeh aad u qori jirten mat browden :lol: :lol:

The one whose dead bodies is lying around you kid. The SL's militia were decimated and that your even commanders were killed. Tell us more about Colonel Ilbir and Liutenant Colonel Dawaco :lol: :lol:

Who us Matt Browden?? The only Somalis known to run after gaalo is you and the proof is every where for any one to see. How many gaalo cadaan ah do you claim every day come to Hargeisa and meet with your warlord? :lol: :lol:

Re: Gal-Mudug State Says we will Put SL Flag in Galkacyo IF

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:44 am
by Siciid85
Funny thing is president of galmudug state is hargeisa resident. His kids live there also his wife is habar Yonis. His kids are my neighbors in qudhac dheeraa in southern hargeisa. He comes back and forth bt hargeisa and his regional adminstration.

Re: Gal-Mudug State Says we will Put SL Flag in Galkacyo IF

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:46 am
by Madelina
Udun so are you now SSC? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ..

Re: Gal-Mudug State Says we will Put SL Flag in Galkacyo IF

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:48 am
by Madelina
Funny thing is president of galmudug state is hargeisa resident. His kids live there also his wife is habar Yonis. His kids are my neighbors in qudhac dheeraa in southern hargeisa. He comes back and forth bt hargeisa and his regional adminstration.
Yeah I heard that too...

Re: Gal-Mudug State Says we will Put SL Flag in Galkacyo IF

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:50 am
by Siciid85
Saleebaan are being strategic. They will cut your throats the minute they can. Sacad will try and enslave you if they can. But now its strategy. Support the dirtbags at all costs :down:
idiot I know mr. Tiicey. He lived in Minnesota and left recently before creation of ximan and xeeb. He is very anti dooro.

Re: Gal-Mudug State Says we will Put SL Flag in Galkacyo IF

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:51 am
by udun
Udun so are you now SSC? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ..

I am Dhulbahnate and a PLer. When bullets starts, we have no differences!

What is this fuzz that Galmudug is going to do something for you?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Looks like Soomaalidiids are seeking some breathing air from Galmudug :lol: :lol:

They say desperate people do desperate things at desperate times :lol: :lol:

Re: Gal-Mudug State Says we will Put SL Flag in Galkacyo IF

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:54 am
by kambuli
Why would anyone expect the HG or the Hawiye to hate Isaaq? Why would they? That is not the issue..There shouldn't be any hate, and no one is advocating for hate. Only a sick person would advocate for hate between Somalis. Living peacefully together is what is needed. Having said that, what most Somalis almost 98% don't want is the breaking of Somalia into small administrations called Lands...

Secession is a horrible thing and here the secessionsts are trying their dirty tricks again..It worked for them in 1991 and they want to use now..Which is the Irir card.

Why don't they join their Irir brothers in a government?
Why are they 24/7 milking the misery of their Irir brothers? aka Xamar degi weydeye hanala aqoonsado?

Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :down:

Hawiye are not that dumb Wallaahay..

Re: Gal-Mudug State Says we will Put SL Flag in Galkacyo IF

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:59 am
by The_Emperior5
Why would anyone expect the HG or the Hawiye to hate Isaaq? Why would they? That is not the issue..There shouldn't be any hate, and no one is advocating for hate. Only a sick person would advocate for hate between Somalis. Living peacefully together is what is needed. Having said that, what most Somalis almost 98% don't want is the breaking of Somalia into small administrations called Lands...

Secession is a horrible thing and here the secessionsts are trying their dirty tricks again..It worked for them in 1991 and they want to use now..Which is the Irir card.

Why don't they join their Irir brothers in a government?
Why are they 24/7 milking the misery of their Irir brothers? aka Xamar degi weydeye hanala aqoonsado?

Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :down:

Hawiye are not that dumb Wallaahay..

Arrinta jiritaanka Somaliland waxaan u arkaa muqaddas, sababtoo ah dimuqraadiyaddu waa wuxuu shacbku rabo, hadday shacbku dawladnimadooda rabaan cid u diidi kartaa ma jirto, 20-kii sanno ee la soo dhaafay shacabka Somaliland inay ka sii horumaraan halkay joogan mooyee waxba dib ugama dhicin, waxaan qabaa in caalamku indho gaara ku eego oo rabitaanka shacbku wuxuu yahay la tixgeliyo.

our Hg brothers and sisters Support the people of Somaliland no matter what :up: