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Biyomaal Walanweyn Dirs arrive in Somaliland seeking aid

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:25 pm
by Siciid85
They want to make a separate mamuul for their areas in Jamaame and Merka they don't want to be part of Jubbaland. But this might be difficult
as there is numerous other groups in those areas especially Jamaame beesha Jareerweyne and in Merka Tuni(Digil iyo Mirifle) and Asharaf. They
need to cooperate with those local groups as well.

Madax dhaqameed ka socda Beesha Biyo Maal ee Marka iyo Jamaame oo kulamo la yeeshay qaybaha kala duwan ee Reer Somaliland, Mart-qaad-na ka filaya Xukuumadda
Hargeysa( Waaheen) waxa labadii toddobaad ee ugu danbeeyay Hargeysa kulamo kula lahaa qaybaha Bulshada Reer Somaliland Madax dhaqameedka ugu waaweyn Beesha
Biyo Maal ee Degta Gobolka Shabeeladda Hoose ee Somaliya gaar ahaana Deegaamada Marka iyo degmaada Jamaame ee Jubboyiinka.
Madax dhaqameedkan oo ka kooban shan xubnood waxa ay kala yihiin Suldaan Ibraahim Suldaan Xaaji Cali Ciise, Ugaas Adab Diiriye Ibraahim, Ugaas Yacquub Ugaas Cabdi
Yacquub, Caaqil Axmed Maxamed Barre iyo Caaqil Maxamed Xasan Abuukar (shariif).
Sida lagu sheegay Xogo Waaheen ka heshay ujeedada socdaalkooda ayaa lagu sheegay inay kala yihiin sadex qoddob oo kala ah:
Dib u soo noolaynta Xidhiidhka labada Ummadood ee walaalaha ah ee Somaliland iyo Beesha Biyo Maal
Taageerida qadiyada Reer Somaliland ee Gooni u goosadkooda In laga caawiyo xaga Agabka, waayo aragnimada maadaama ay dhisanayaan Maamul Goboleed.
Madax dhaqameedka Beesha Biyo Maal ee Martida u ah Reer Somaliland waxa ay qoddobadan iyo taariikhda soo jireenka ah ee ay wadaagaan Bulshada Reer Somaliland
ku soo bandhigeen kulamo ay la yeesheen Cuqaasha, Guddoomiyayaasha Axsaabta Siyaasadda iyo Ururada Bulshada, hase yeeshee waxa ay wali raajicinayaan inay
Xukuumadda Somaliland qaabisho si ay ugu bandhigaan Ujeedada Socdaalkoodan ka kooban qoddobada aynu kor ku soo xusnay.
Besha Biyo Maal Mada dhaqameedkoodu waxyaabaha ay ku soo bandhigeen kulamadooda waxa ka mid ahaa taageeradii ay siiyeen Madaxweynaha Somaliland
Axmed Maxamed Maxamud Siilaanyo wakhtigii uu ahaa Guddoomiyihii Jabhadii dibu Xorraynta Somaaliyeed ee SNM, taasoo ay sheegeen inay kaalin muhiim ah ka
ahayd Halgankii dhaliyay Gooni isu taaga Somaliland. Sidoo kale waxa ay kaga hadleen dhibaatooyinka Beel ahaan haysta ee ay taageerada u raadinayaan oo la mid
ah tii Somaliland ka Gil-gilatay ee siisay Amniga iyo Xukuumadda ay haystaan iyagoo ku Mahadiyay Amniga iyo Dawlad-nimada ka hir-gashay Gayiga Somaliland.
Waxyaabaha ay is weydiinayeen ee ay kala hadlayeen dadkii ay la kulmeen waxa ay ahayd sababaha Qaar ka mid ah Dadka Reer Somaliland ku dhaliyay iyaga oo
Amnigan iyo Dawlad-nimadan haysta ay ugu noqonayaan qaarkood Somaliya oo Dab ka qiiqayo ama aanay ka jirin Nolol la bar bar dhigi karo ta Somaliland.
Si kasta ha ahaatee Ergadan Madax dhaqameedka Beesha Biyo Maal oo si toos ah u yimi Somaliland iyaga oo aan wax Marti-qaad ah ka helin Xukuumadda
Somaliland mudadii ay joogeena Ololahaas ku jira ayaa wali quud daraynaya inay la kulmaan Madaxweyne Siilaanyo iyo Madaxda Xukuumadda balse wali
may helin cid gacan qabata.

Re: Biyomaal Walanweyn Dirs arrive in Somaliland seeking aid

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:10 pm
by DonCorleone
As a Hawiye I support BIYOMAAL DIRS :)

Even the Biyomaals know it's a fake darood state.

We will liberate our lands Inshallah : )

Re: Biyomaal Walanweyn Dirs arrive in Somaliland seeking aid

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:12 pm
by DonCorleone
Also the Jareers need to be exported back to their homelands

the land they occupy is Hawiye and possible Biyomaal lands too.

They cannot steal it and occupy it.

They will have 1 year to leave or suffer the consequences

they are residing on CUSHITE LAND

they gotta go!

Re: Biyomaal Walanweyn Dirs arrive in Somaliland seeking aid

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:39 pm
by Xiis1928
Even the Prime Minister knows that Jubaland will never come into existence. The new united Beesha Hawiye will not allow it.

Re: Biyomaal Walanweyn Dirs arrive in Somaliland seeking aid

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:47 pm
by Rabshoole
But this might be difficult
as there is numerous other groups in those areas especially Jamaame beesha Jareerweyne and in Merka Tuni

You should really refrain from talking about things you have no clue, Jamame is in Jubba hoose, Merka is in Sheebeele Hoose shaqana iskuma leh, Taakale Jamame is an exclusive town that is under the iron fist of Beesha Surre. Shebeele Hoose is primarily belonging to Biyomaal, who vastly dominate the region, Stick to waqooyistan affairs instead of making things up as usual.

Re: Biyomaal Walanweyn Dirs arrive in Somaliland seeking aid

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:56 pm
by Siciid85
^I am well aware the two places are in different regions and what did I make up? Those groups listed are the indigenous people of Jamaame. I know no

Jamaame is situated in southern Somalia in Jubbada Hoose region, between the Indian Ocean in the east, in the west the agricultural land along the Jubba river and in
the south the portal city of Kismayo. The indigenous people of Jamaame are the Somali Tunni, Sheekhaal and Biyomaal clans, Arabs who immigrated from Yemen
and Somali Bantu
people who live as farmers along the Jubba river.

Beesha Jareerweyne of Jamaame. It is well known Jamaame has a sizeable Jareerweyne community.

Re: Biyomaal Walanweyn Dirs arrive in Somaliland seeking aid

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:19 pm
by Rabshoole
In the Jubba regions, Jamame is an important homeland of the Surre accompying their Bimal brethren whom are vastly dominant in that area. The farmland town of Bender-Jadid is solely domiciled by the Surre.
Travel brochure site :? I'm sure you can do better than that, As for Tunni outside of Barawe their numbers are insignificantly low, again I repeat, stick to what you know.

Re: Biyomaal Walanweyn Dirs arrive in Somaliland seeking aid

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:24 pm
by Siciid85
lol says the one who just cited info from Wikipedia. I have a map from the 1950s the colonialists drew much of the Brava hinterland was settled by the Tuni
(things might have change). This isn't about Surre but those groups mentioned which settle in Jamaame district.

This is from the same wiki pages you cited. It is even more diverse than I though if there is Hawiye in the district. Which was my point in the beginning it will
be difficult for the Biyomaal to have their own "mamuul" in those areas since it is extremely diverse unless they cooperate with all the locals in that district.
Jamaame waxaa dega qabiilo kala ah sida Tuni,Looboge,Jiida,Jareer,Biimaal,Surre,Abgaal

Re: Biyomaal Walanweyn Dirs arrive in Somaliland seeking aid

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:34 pm
by Rabshoole
:ducktales: When it comes to Southern Dir, Surre is at the top of the food chain, remember that. :ufdup:
Jareerweyne are fellow citymen who work in our farms, Their presence are in Jubba hoose, but not in large quantities.
What your not getting is the fact that, why would they even want Jamame, when their stronghold is in Shebeele hoose, Its like saying, Isaaq are leaving Togdheere for Mudug, politically wise its redundant.

Re: Biyomaal Walanweyn Dirs arrive in Somaliland seeking aid

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:37 pm
by Siciid85
I have no interest in pitting the various locals against each other whether they are Hawiye, Dir, Jareerweyne, Digil iyo Mirifile which are all found in those areas.
If the Biyomaal who came to Somaliland for aid which we regard as the main southern Dir group historically want a separate mamuul from the Darood dominated
Jubbaland than it is easier if they cooperate with the other non Darood locals.

Well in the news they said they want a mamuul for their areas in Jamaame as well not just Merca.

Re: Biyomaal Walanweyn Dirs arrive in Somaliland seeking aid

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:51 pm
by Rabshoole
This isnt the first time these people went to Somaliland asking for support, what exactly can SL do for them ? My thing is, They shouldn't depend on anyone but themselves. They can easily obtain it on your own. Udubland was their first attempt to make a mamul for themselves after asking SL for aide in the past, which obviously didn't work then, why ask again :mindblown:
I appluad Surre tremendously, regardless of how dire situation we face, we always support one another and depend solely on one another. It's time Biyomaal learn the hard way or else this cycle is bound to repeat. :down:
Jubbaland doesn't exist, unless you talking about Baygedo.

Re: Biyomaal Walanweyn Dirs arrive in Somaliland seeking aid

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:04 am
by Siciid85
I knew UDUBland belonged to them at first I was like did Udub party join Somalia :lol: , they had Somaliland looking flags as well I think it started somewhere in 2011.
It could have worked if they had trained troops on the ground like the Kenyan backed Ras Kamboni as you can see even the Marehans have no chance in Jubboyiinka,
so the Biyomaal are smart to attempt to do something about it rather than waiting.Actually Somaliland can do a lot for them such as giving them money, weapons
or anything they need to boost them up but the reason the adminstration itself doesn't get involved is it doesn't want to be seen as meddling in the affairs of
neighboring Somalia that wouldn't be a good look.

Yes Jubbaland as a mamuul does not exist I meant as the land, since it seems they want to disassociate themselves from the Dooros. If it is not agreed
upon by the various groups in those regions then the future mamuul will properly only work in the Dooro districts. The south is a crazy place,
there is hundreds of clans fighting for every district.

Re: Biyomaal Walanweyn Dirs arrive in Somaliland seeking aid

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:27 am
by FarIyoAlif
Marka goormaa lagu daray jubbaland? :lol:

war waxan oo dhani waa iska show maalin aad u dhow baa lagu dhawaaqayaa maamulka shirarkii way socdaan :win:

Re: Biyomaal Walanweyn Dirs arrive in Somaliland seeking aid

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:28 am
by Rabshoole
Believe it or not Udub is a subclan of Bijaamal (original name of biyomal), Giving a helping hand is one thing however this old saying comes to mind, Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, but teach a man how to fish he'll eat for life. Biyomaal are fierce fighters, their track record speaks for itself.
We'll see the outcome of this shir. Hopefully something benefitual for them in the long run, a mamul of their own would be great, any means of separating from dooros is a good cause in my book. As for money and weaponry, I think that's a given, and simply returning the favor. :up:
it is in the records that the Hawiye and southern Dir sub-clans had greatly contributed to the formation and financing of the SNM in its very early stages. In his "The Cost of Dictatorship" book, Jama Ghalib (an Isaq) witnesses the contributions paid by the Southern Dir clans and Hawiye to the SNM in early 1980s.

Re: Biyomaal Walanweyn Dirs arrive in Somaliland seeking aid

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:35 am
by Siciid85
Interesting. As for them contributing to the SNM cause back in the days it is mentioned in the news as well. I wish luck for their endeavors
to better their communities in the deep south it is not easy having the Kenyans trying to advance the interest of certain communities
on one side and Al shabab roaming around on the other side.

Besha Biyo Maal Mada dhaqameedkoodu waxyaabaha ay ku soo bandhigeen kulamadooda waxa ka mid ahaa taageeradii ay siiyeen Madaxweynaha Somaliland
Axmed Maxamed Maxamud Siilaanyo wakhtigii uu ahaa Guddoomiyihii Jabhadii dibu Xorraynta Somaaliyeed ee SNM

FarIyoAlif Nobody said Merca is part of Jubboyiinka but Jamaame is.