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The Quest for Knowledge

Private - This forum is for Islamic education. contributors and anyone who wants to learn about Islam is encouraged to <a href="">join</a>. Send PM to the <a href=" ... 711">Group Moderator</a>

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The Quest for Knowledge

Postby husenqays » Sat Jul 02, 2005 3:08 pm

Asalaam aleikum,I hope you are all in best condition of health and strongest of imaan.

Brother and sister,I was away to some small problem and *I am trying to get things in line insha Allah.

Brothers and sisters, Allah says

"We have created everything out of water"
Al-Anbiya (The Apostles)
Chapter 21: Verse 30 (Partial)

The Muslim pioneers of science read this verse of the Quran, and in their endeavour to penetrate the depths of these words they began to study living organisms and so developed the science of biology.

While there was always a conflict between Christianity and science - manifested, on the one hand, in fantastic, irrational dogmas and, on the other, in the most atrocious persecution of scientific thought and of scientists down to modern times - we are unable to discover the slightest trace of a conflict between Islam and science, be it in the teachings themselves or in the attitude of Muslim Ulama towards scientists.

Not only was Islam never opposed to science: it even conferred on science, and on intellectual endeavours generally, something of the sanctity of worship. In contrast with the burning and torturing of scholars, the destruction of so many works of science, the suppression of independent thought in different spheres of life, history does not furnish a single instance of a scientist having been persecuted under Muslim rule because of his scientific findings. Persecution of theologians and scholars there have been - occasional attempts at suppression of individuals who deviated from the 'orthodox' theology of the day, but of scientists never. Simply because Islam inculcated in its followers the greatest respect for learning and made 'the search after knowledge the sacred duty (fard) of every Muslim' (Bukhari). No accident, therefore, that many of the Muslim pioneers of science whose names are now household words the world over, were, at the same time, outstanding theologians and fuqaha. They had only to turn their eyes to the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet in order to find that by acquiring scientific knowledge they would truly worship their Lord.

Asalaam aleikum


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