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Re: Beesha Bahrarsame oo hubkeeda ku wareejsay Somaliland

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:38 am
by Hennystreak
1960s parliamentary elections for Las Anod was funny. Bah ararsame garaad manipulated the votes so his son won twice both in 60 and 64 and tied to so the same in 68.

Jaamac siyaad has weey tashadeen and said this guy will not be allowed to win again. On Election Day, A Reer Faahiye General called Farataag sent a militia at the ballot box in xidhxidh and he put his foot on the box and said no one is allowed to bite. The Bah ararsame colluded with Reer hawd and their was a big battle in xidhxidh where the JS were victorious. The Checked a Christian Jaamac siyaad MP called something siyaad who became MP.

Re: Beesha Bahrarsame oo hubkeeda ku wareejsay Somaliland

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 4:12 am
by JSL3000
Bah ararsame iidoor lama dego mana jirto sabab ay aragtidooda ugu saleeyan idoor nacayb sida qoloda reer buuhoodle . Dantooda bay somaliland ka dhex arkeen xaqbayna u leeyihiin jaamac siyaadna waa lamid yaguna isaaq dhul iskuma hayaan . Naaleeye axmed horta Haduu dagaal bilaabo dhuloos wuxu completely ka qixi doonaa sanaag yaga nabadaa dani ugu jirtaa. Reer hagarna cirka haday u boodaan Buuhoodle waa degmo isaaq la dego galbeedkeeda yagana nabaday ugu badisaa. Isku soo xooriyoo ma jirto dhuloos ku midooba kara nacayb isaaq waayo nin walba dantiisuu eeganaya anigu ba ma jecli inaan isaaqnimo kula diriro dhuloos oo aan janjaweed u noqdo isaaq dantayda ku jirta inaan nabad ku joogo arlada.
of course these lost diaspora abroad folks are suicidal bent on tribalism they just don't get it somaliland benefits everyone.

Re: Beesha Bahrarsame oo hubkeeda ku wareejsay Somaliland

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:19 am
by Jaamacbuuhoodle
Bah ararsame iidoor lama dego mana jirto sabab ay aragtidooda ugu saleeyan idoor nacayb sida qoloda reer buuhoodle . Dantooda bay somaliland ka dhex arkeen xaqbayna u leeyihiin jaamac siyaadna waa lamid yaguna isaaq dhul iskuma hayaan . Naaleeye axmed horta Haduu dagaal bilaabo dhuloos wuxu completely ka qixi doonaa sanaag yaga nabadaa dani ugu jirtaa. Reer hagarna cirka haday u boodaan Buuhoodle waa degmo isaaq la dego galbeedkeeda yagana nabaday ugu badisaa. Isku soo xooriyoo ma jirto dhuloos ku midooba kara nacayb isaaq waayo nin walba dantiisuu eeganaya anigu ba ma jecli inaan isaaqnimo kula diriro dhuloos oo aan janjaweed u noqdo isaaq dantayda ku jirta inaan nabad ku joogo arlada.
Reerka Bahararsame mar hadu reer sheekh isaxaaq la degan waxay aheed ino ka baxo xiisada ka taagan gobolada Sool , Sanaag , togdheer ( 1991-2019 ) sababto ah ( 1981 -1991 ) Markii habar jeclo iyo habar yoonis lala dagaalmay oo beelaha dhulbahante Gen : Axmed S Dafle hubka u qeybin jiray reerka bahrarsame wuu diiday inay ka qeyb noqdo dagaalka socda !
Waxay tahay inay bahrarsame maantna ka baxaan oo ragga markii horaba Arrintu u taalay kaliya ayaa xaq u leh

Re: Beesha Bahrarsame oo hubkeeda ku wareejsay Somaliland

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:50 am
by PrinceNugaalHawd
Henyy nin Indho Adaag baa tahay!!

Ninka Garaad kiisu Hargaysa Joogo, Muuse Biixi Laascaanood ku Soo dhaweyaa, Fardaha na siiyo Waa Reer Kaagaa!! Laascaanood In SL laaga saaro waxa diidan Waa reerkaaga, waxa Tukaraq Horboodaya SL oo Qabsashadeeda ka dambeeyay Waa Reerkaaga, waxa PL soo Jeebiyaay oo Taangiyada Ka qabsaday (Majeerteen Toolka), Marki Somaliland ilaa Higlaada la bacsaday aay Cidaamadi Darood oo Dhulbahante dagaalka uu bilaabay! Waxa Jeeganta uso Gurmaaday oo PL soo jeebiyaay wa Jaamac Siyaad alaa indho Aadka Umaadan!!! Waxa Dhulbahante ceebeyey oo Hunguri Toolkis ka raacay Waa reerkaaga! Miyaad Sixrantihin? Because Waa la idin siin kara waxa Jeegantu idin siiso!!

Teeda Kale haada Tiri In 80s & 90s only Jama Siyaad fought Idoor walle been baad sheegtaay!! Because I know all the reer Hawd & reer Nugaaleed were fighting and I know there were battles from Sanaag to Ethiopia!! And I personally know many veterans of those battles from my subclan who took part both in the battles of Bohol/Xudun, Gumays/Oog.

In 1960s Siyaasada hadeey Bahararsame kaaga aad katay dee wa Politics and they are politicians they were always your leaders lol what did you expect?

Cuqdaad baa kuu haysa Waad Jiraantahay!! Jaamac Siyaad markaad SL kaso reebto oo Kumaananka wiil aad Hoos Geeysay iyo Gobalada iyo Maatada aad Idoor Hoos Geysaay Soo ceeliso, Daadkale Caay!!

I know Bahararsame Xiinkooda, Xaasaradooda iyo Xaasidnimadooda, I know reer Nabi Xaasid In Laa Yidhaah, I know in Aay Mucaraad ahayeen, but I will never use that against them to side with Dhabayaco over my kin, Nor will I side with Jeeganta. Teeda kale You all Dhulos have militias in SL I don’t understand how you can only talk about Bahararsame!! Although it’s not acceptable to have a single Dhulos in SL, waxay aaydan Sameyn maysan samayn. Every subclan needs to bring their Land and people back from SL.

Re: Beesha Bahrarsame oo hubkeeda ku wareejsay Somaliland

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 7:24 am
by PrinceNugaalHawd
JamaacBuuhodle Inaader Ina Dhadhable iyo Wiilaashi Ahmed Garaad ee Buhoodle kaso teegay ee Qabsashaada Laascaanood SL laa soocday maxay SL ugu Soo Hiiliyeen? Ileen Raaga Idoor la dagalamaya baad ba ahaydeene?

Re: Beesha Bahrarsame oo hubkeeda ku wareejsay Somaliland

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 8:53 am
by theyuusuf143

Beeshaadu waa ta keliya ee leh hal guuto iska dhan oo ciidamada somaliland ah, Q7 (qaybta 7aad ) baa ladhaa waa caan. after sacad muse jamaac siyaadku waa beesha labaaad ee nuux taani ku aamino Hubka iyo saanada culus. Bah ararsame idinkaa ka badsada iidoor la qayilka ceebna maaha oo oo dee dad somalilanders ahbaynu nahay kulli
Kkkkkkk . Dhulbahante oo dhan iidoor waa la qiyalaa jamaac siyaasde waxbaaba u dheer oo dawlada ku kalsoon xitaa madaxwaynaha somaliland jamaac siyaadkuu u hoydaa marku sool tago.

Re: Beesha Bahrarsame oo hubkeeda ku wareejsay Somaliland

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 9:28 am
by PrinceNugaalHawd

Beeshaadu waa ta keliya ee leh hal guuto iska dhan oo ciidamada somaliland ah, Q7 (qaybta 7aad ) baa ladhaa waa caan. after sacad muse jamaac siyaadku waa beesha labaaad ee nuux taani ku aamino Hubka iyo saanada culus. Bah ararsame idinkaa ka badsada iidoor la qayilka ceebna maaha oo oo dee dad somalilanders ahbaynu nahay kulli
Kkkkkkk . Dhulbahante oo dhan iidoor waa la qiyalaa jamaac siyaasde waxbaaba u dheer oo dawlada ku kalsoon xitaa madaxwaynaha somaliland jamaac siyaadkuu u hoydaa marku sool tago.
Waay waasheen kuuwani Waa Adigo Reer Samatar ah ama Reer Daahir ah oo Abdi Ciise ama reer Caynanshe kuu caayaya Taagerida SL LoL bal maxaad dhaantaan inaad ka baadsato mooyane? Loool

Re: Beesha Bahrarsame oo hubkeeda ku wareejsay Somaliland

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 5:59 pm
by Hennystreak
Henyy nin Indho Adaag baa tahay!!

Ninka Garaad kiisu Hargaysa Joogo, Muuse Biixi Laascaanood ku Soo dhaweyaa, Fardaha na siiyo Waa Reer Kaagaa!! Laascaanood In SL laaga saaro waxa diidan Waa reerkaaga, waxa Tukaraq Horboodaya SL oo Qabsashadeeda ka dambeeyay Waa Reerkaaga, waxa PL soo Jeebiyaay oo Taangiyada Ka qabsaday (Majeerteen Toolka), Marki Somaliland ilaa Higlaada la bacsaday aay Cidaamadi Darood oo Dhulbahante dagaalka uu bilaabay! Waxa Jeeganta uso Gurmaaday oo PL soo jeebiyaay wa Jaamac Siyaad alaa indho Aadka Umaadan!!! Waxa Dhulbahante ceebeyey oo Hunguri Toolkis ka raacay Waa reerkaaga! Miyaad Sixrantihin? Because Waa la idin siin kara waxa Jeegantu idin siiso!!

Teeda Kale haada Tiri In 80s & 90s only Jama Siyaad fought Idoor walle been baad sheegtaay!! Because I know all the reer Hawd & reer Nugaaleed were fighting and I know there were battles from Sanaag to Ethiopia!! And I personally know many veterans of those battles from my subclan who took part both in the battles of Bohol/Xudun, Gumays/Oog.

In 1960s Siyaasada hadeey Bahararsame kaaga aad katay dee wa Politics and they are politicians they were always your leaders lol what did you expect?

Cuqdaad baa kuu haysa Waad Jiraantahay!! Jaamac Siyaad markaad SL kaso reebto oo Kumaananka wiil aad Hoos Geeysay iyo Gobalada iyo Maatada aad Idoor Hoos Geysaay Soo ceeliso, Daadkale Caay!!

I know Bahararsame Xiinkooda, Xaasaradooda iyo Xaasidnimadooda, I know reer Nabi Xaasid In Laa Yidhaah, I know in Aay Mucaraad ahayeen, but I will never use that against them to side with Dhabayaco over my kin, Nor will I side with Jeeganta. Teeda kale You all Dhulos have militias in SL I don’t understand how you can only talk about Bahararsame!! Although it’s not acceptable to have a single Dhulos in SL, waxay aaydan Sameyn maysan samayn. Every subclan needs to bring their Land and people back from SL.
Yes, but no one respects the bastard garaad and that’s why he has to sit in Hargaysa as he risks assasination in Las Anod. Our caaqil is Axmed Hoolif adeer ninkaas baanu taagernaa.

You mention JS fighting PL last year but failed to recognise Ina Sabarey in Kalshaale and Ina Maxashwaan last year aun. The only reason why JS support SL is because they fear a PL backed Ugaadhyahan. It’s purely political not out of qabiil hatred like reer nabi xaasid.

Bah Araraame and CM weey heeshiyeen sxb, no need to rehash expired events.Maantana Hub nun Darood Kablalax soosiiyey beey idoor uu gacan geliyeen.

You are right, 60s politically weey naka adkaadeen. So we used force to subjugate them and get our seats by force. :D

JS never burnt the body of a fellow Dhulbahante imam. Jaamac Siyaad never ran to SNM in the 90s we were actually fighting them. The people who fought in the Guumays/oog wars were JS reer warsame mainly reer caafi and a few Qayaad but it doesn’t matter as we held Oog until the peace conferences. :lol:

Re: Beesha Bahrarsame oo hubkeeda ku wareejsay Somaliland

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:46 pm
by Ben Dover
You held Oog? :lol:

Are these bastards on crack?

The emotional and incoherent ramblings above by embittered fools who want to send other men to fight a war whilst they sit on their fat unemployed arses in the diaspora waging virtual wars on forums is only emblematic of the current state of affairs of Dhulbahante, and is precisely what is causing such deep-rooted levels of disfunction within your clan. None of you bastards is willing to go back and pick up a gun, yet here you are, on Snet, attacking the few individuals from your community who came up with a workable strategy for your clan on one hand, and egging other men to fight and liberate your land for you on the other.

Your attacking your supreme Garaad for making very pragmatic decisions that ensured your welfare as a clan makes little sense, particularly because he was vindicated by history on every point raised above:

- Prior to independence he accepted the offer to work with SNL, and partnered with Egal in the elections that resulted in my party (NUF) being sidelined and receiving 1 seat, when it had a much larger share of the vote than USP. He took advantage of the political rift between Isaaqs to produce tangible political gains for your clan.

- During the Protectorate independence debate, very few Somalilanders had the foresight to see how a hasty union with Somalia would lead to malfunction. It was only Michael Mariano and your Garaad who pushed for an alternative to the rushed and ill-thought union, and again, was vindicated here too. It is borderline retarded to claim that he wanted to maintain Somaliland's statehood to please Isaaq, this is because it was Isaaq who were pushing for the union in the first place.

- During the SNM era and the civil war, it was his rapprochement with SNM brass coupled with SNM's policy of dialogue following the ouster of Afweyne that spared your towns and civilians from a combined Isaaq attack. You can badmouth him here like dhocils all you want, but from your perspective, even if a single Dhulo life was saved by him going to the SNM, you bastards should be praising him for showing leadership at a very turbulent and chaotic period of the civil war.

You are blinded by the hate you harbour Isaaq, its cool, but the nonsense above is beyond stupid.

Re: Beesha Bahrarsame oo hubkeeda ku wareejsay Somaliland

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 7:14 pm
by SuldaanMaplesyrup
The amount of money that was looted by ina Galaydh to ‘free’Las Anod is another topic. My father alone spent 8k for this rebellion. Magaladeena yar konton kun walaaga aruuriyey from single mothers to elders to youth. All that money went to Galaydh and he used it to bribe himself a seat in hargaysa.
:dead: :deadrose:

Galaydh the finesse king Image :wow: :lol:

Re: Beesha Bahrarsame oo hubkeeda ku wareejsay Somaliland

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 9:47 pm
by Hennystreak
You held Oog? :lol:

Are these bastards on crack?

The emotional and incoherent ramblings above by embittered fools who want to send other men to fight a war whilst they sit on their fat unemployed arses in the diaspora waging virtual wars on forums is only emblematic of the current state of affairs of Dhulbahante, and is precisely what is causing such deep-rooted levels of disfunction within your clan. None of you bastards is willing to go back and pick up a gun, yet here you are, on Snet, attacking the few individuals from your community who came up with a workable strategy for your clan on one hand, and egging other men to fight and liberate your land for you on the other.

Your attacking your supreme Garaad for making very pragmatic decisions that ensured your welfare as a clan makes little sense, particularly because he was vindicated by history on every point raised above:

- Prior to independence he accepted the offer to work with SNL, and partnered with Egal in the elections that resulted in my party (NUF) being sidelined and receiving 1 seat, when it had a much larger share of the vote than USP. He took advantage of the political rift between Isaaqs to produce tangible political gains for your clan.

- During the Protectorate independence debate, very few Somalilanders had the foresight to see how a hasty union with Somalia would lead to malfunction. It was only Michael Mariano and your Garaad who pushed for an alternative to the rushed and ill-thought union, and again, was vindicated here too. It is borderline retarded to claim that he wanted to maintain Somaliland's statehood to please Isaaq, this is because it was Isaaq who were pushing for the union in the first place.

- During the SNM era and the civil war, it was his rapprochement with SNM brass coupled with SNM's policy of dialogue following the ouster of Afweyne that spared your towns and civilians from a combined Isaaq attack. You can badmouth him here like dhocils all you want, but from your perspective, even if a single Dhulo life was saved by him going to the SNM, you bastards should be praising him for showing leadership at a very turbulent and chaotic period of the civil war.

You are blinded by the hate you harbour Isaaq, its cool, but the nonsense above is beyond stupid.
Yes sxb, I know it’s a hard pill to swallow but Reer Warsame and your Cali Barre know each other very well and we held Oog h til the peace conferences in 91. Their was even an ex pert gay read; their were only Dhulbahante who lived in Oog and the Isaaq ran away. We have it back to you out of naxariis. Don’t believe me? Ask around :lol:

Lol as for the rest of your posts, that abdiqaani represents his subclan and not Dhulbahante. 90% of your posts are ramblings about Dhulbahante and we are the ones blinded with hate? Come again :?

Garaad Abdiqani has always worked against the common interests of Dhulbahante. Just because one of many Dhulbahante Garaad was hesitant of the Union doesn’t mean that the entire Dhulbahante populace were too.

Re: Beesha Bahrarsame oo hubkeeda ku wareejsay Somaliland

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 9:48 pm
by Hennystreak
The amount of money that was looted by ina Galaydh to ‘free’Las Anod is another topic. My father alone spent 8k for this rebellion. Magaladeena yar konton kun walaaga aruuriyey from single mothers to elders to youth. All that money went to Galaydh and he used it to bribe himself a seat in hargaysa.
:dead: :deadrose:

Galaydh the finesse king Image :wow: :lol:
Lol si fiican uu waasa bastardka xun. :up:

Re: Beesha Bahrarsame oo hubkeeda ku wareejsay Somaliland

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 3:15 am
by JSL3000
Dhulos on the winning team. :sland:

We don't have to lift a finger somaliland qurjiile war machine will invade garowe 2019 if punani land act stupid RIP zoomalia.

Re: Beesha Bahrarsame oo hubkeeda ku wareejsay Somaliland

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 5:29 am
by mahoka
Damn imagine the hate and cuqdad you have to spend 8k of your life savings on a war in a third world country while you claim welfare as a refugee. No qurjile is prepared to fight and die so they just fund the poor ones back home to die for them. When there was a measles outbreak in kastumo esteedh they didn’t raise any money to help out their people who suffered but instead Somaliland helped them ...,

Shameless qurjile, no more mercy should be shown

Re: Beesha Bahrarsame oo hubkeeda ku wareejsay Somaliland

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 6:45 am
by Hennystreak
Damn imagine the hate and cuqdad you have to spend 8k of your life savings on a war in a third world country while you claim welfare as a refugee. No qurjile is prepared to fight and die so they just fund the poor ones back home to die for them. When there was a measles outbreak in kastumo esteedh they didn’t raise any money to help out their people who suffered but instead Somaliland helped them ...,

Shameless qurjile, no more mercy should be shown
:lol: waraabe, I have to hand it to you your the most delusional and comical idoor on the webs. Kulaha measles, sxb tell me whe f-king street is opening again and prepare your sister