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Who is black today?

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:50 pm
by IRONm@N
Afro-Latin Americans — Among the Afro-Latin American populations in South and Central America there are populations that identify as negros. Some with high levels of admixture as well. The difference is that, contrary to the USA, membership in the Black ethnicity is usually by upbringing and not by an imposed concept of one-droppism.

Afro-Arabs — Various people of the Middle east whose ancestors were also brought during the colonial slave trade period (1500-1850) established communities in Yemen, Pakistan, and India. Many share the similar name "Saeed" (Sheedis, Shudra, and Siddi), which is also the name of the Southern Egyptians (Saeedi), who exhibit strong African and Equatorial origins and a distinct culture from the northern Egyptians of the Delta.

Beyond Africa

John Millington Synge's swarthy looks are typical of the Black Irish. For years the Irish were not considered White[9] and the Black Irish were the most stigmatized of them[10].Some groups have embraced a black self-designation despite their lack of modern African ancestry. Due to their physical appearance which generally relates to their ability to be perceived (mistakenly) as Equatorial Africans, and their social and ethnic distinction in their home countries, they are considered legitimately black to some degree, although many other African descendants may have their reservations. Due to the gains of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement of 1955-1975 some oppressed and marginalized populations around the world, even without African ancestry, have chosen to label themselves as "black." This is disputed by those who equate "blackness" only with equatorial African (sub-Saharan) ancestry and argue that non-Africans cannot be legitimately black.

Tamils are an ethnic group of Southeast Asia, generally extremely dark-skinned, with Australoid features. They are in many ways similar to the aboriginal people of Australia. The Tamils are thought to be the descendants of the ancient Dravidians, who were known to be black. In 2003, geneticist Spencer Wells traced the DNA of San bushmen of the Kalahari to a man in Tamil Nadu in southern India. Wells surmised that in one of the earliest human outmigrations from Africa, people traveled from Africa to India, across then shallow waters and now submerged land bridges to Australia. Often associated with the oppressed Dalit, or Untouchable, caste in India, many Tamils have looked to the American Civil Rights and Black Power movements for inspiration. And while Dalit is a caste, rather than an ethnic group, it is heavily comprised of dark-skinned Indians, and mostly Tamils, who because of their dark skin and caste designation have suffered social, political and economic oppression and marginalization. Tamils are identified throughout their history as black people by other East Indians and by some colonial powers. Many present-day Tamil intellectuals self-identify as black. V.T. Rajshekar, a prominent Dalit leader wrote a book titled Dalits, the Black Untouchables of India. Afrocentrist historian Runoko Rashidi holds that "large sections of the Dalits would be seen as black people if they lived anywhere else," and that the connections between Africans and Tamils "go beyond phenotype."[10] Some have adopted an Afrocentric worldview, which holds that Tamils are an African people. The Dalit Panthers emulate the Black Panther Party of the U.S. Aside from similar historical experiences, many Tamils generally would be viewed as black in the United States, simply because of their Africoid appearance.

Black Dutch According to researcher James Pylant, based on his extensive survey of American families claiming Black Dutch as part of their heritage: "There are strong indications that the original "black Dutch" were swarthy Germans. Anglo-Americans loosely applied the term to any dark-complexioned American of European descent. The term was adopted as an attempt to disguise Indian or, infrequently, tri-racial descent. By the mid-1800s, the term had become an American colloquialism, a derogative term for anything denoting one's small stature, dark coloring, working-class status, political sentiments, or anyone of foreign extraction." He also writes: "In contrast to the Anglo-surnamed Melungeons, nearly 60% of American families reporting black Dutch tradition bear surnames that are either decidely German or possibly Americanized from Germanic origin." (Pylant, 1997)

Black Irish is a term used by some descendants of Irish emigrants to describe their ancestors. The term is found in Australia, Canada, Great Britain and the United States. It refers to the possessing of dark hair and eyes as opposed to the caricature of Irish people with red hair, pale skin, and blue or green eyes, a difference which is possibly due to less Scandinavian or Germanic ancestry being found in people on the west of Ireland [11]. The term is often accompanied by a claim that the darker features are due to Iberian descent. The term "Black Irish" was also historically used to stigmatize the lower class segments of the Irish population prone to alcoholism and brawling[12] and the Irish as a whole struggled to be considered White. In a review of the book How the Irish became White, Publishers Weekly wrote: "Just how, in the years surrounding the Civil War, the Irish evolved from an oppressed, unwelcome social class to become part of a white racial class is the focus of Harvard lecturer Ignatiev's well-researched, intriguing although haphazardly structured book."[13]

Aeta FilipinoNegrito — The Negrito from the Philippines are, more or less, known as black in the Anglicized Philippines, sue to the Semang and Veddoid ancestry. Like the term Negrito, the term Aeta [11] was an imposed term, the result of later migrations. Two major branches apparently made their appearance in the archipelago 30,000 to 20,000 years ago, one traveling up the eastern flank of the islands to end up on the Pacific side of the Sierra Madre and comprising the Alta, Arta and Agta groups; the second branch appears to have moved up the western side, with some groups similarly ending up in northern Luzon. This branch includes the Sambal, Dumagat, Ata, Ati, Atta, Sinauna and Batak. Another ended up in Mindanao (Mamanwa). At least 25 Negrito groups are known, many sharing the same name. ta, Aeta, Ata, Atta, Agta, etc.,are thought to come from the general Tagalog word itim, meaning black). Many find this term to be offensive, because it ignores their own tribal identification. Nevertheless, despite their closer genetic affinities with certain Asian populations, they are virtually indistingiushable phenotypically from continental Africans.

Australian Aborigines — Indigenous Australians are the first inhabitants of the Australian continent and its nearby islands, continuing their presence during European settlement. The term includes the various indigenous peoples commonly known as Aborigines, whose traditional lands extend throughout mainland Australia, Tasmania and numerous offshore islands, and also the Torres Strait Islanders whose lands are centred on the Torres Strait Islands which run between northernmost Australia and the island of New Guinea. Since colonialism, the English have referred to them as black (not related to African blacks) due to their darker complexion, and they have adopted the name as an ethnic term[citation needed], much like Afro-Americans: