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Horta cidan maxaa ka qaldan

Daily chitchat on Somali politics.

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Horta cidan maxaa ka qaldan

Postby FarhanYare » Fri May 17, 2024 9:13 pm

cunuga aun laakiin idhinkaa uu sabab eeh sowta gunimo bilaawdeen tii ugu xumeed? ma waxaad ka sugeeysiin qabil dhan aad isku dirteen inuu idhin cafiyo?. ama edeb ku joogo ama gala dagaalka back to 1991.


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Re: Horta cidan maxaa ka qaldan

Postby FarhanYare » Fri May 17, 2024 9:48 pm

@MOHAMED FARAH:Cayrka Xuduuda Ethiopia dagan ayaa U go'aya 10 Baan Ka dilayaa maanta wallhi Daarood waa Mid From Bahgari 🐎 Ogaden 👑
:damn: :krs: :krs:

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Re: Horta cidan maxaa ka qaldan

Postby Gubbet » Fri May 17, 2024 10:00 pm

I don't think Habar Gidir understands something truly radically unprecedented is afoot.

Namely, every single Darod clan in eastern Somali region and SSC/Puntland wants to see and is even contemplating supporting even taking steps to pledge towards MX Mudug to reach the Highway and institute a "wall" with HG.

It is truly unprecedented what I am observing.


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