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Nacasnimo Of Culusow And His Dam Mooryaan Degraded Somalia Infinitely

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Nacasnimo Of Culusow And His Dam Mooryaan Degraded Somalia Infinitely

Postby Murax » Sat Sep 07, 2024 2:40 pm

Say what you want about Farmaajo but for better or worse he had a consistent foreign policy:

From day 1 his friends were the same:


Where he wasn’t really liked too much was rest of the AMISOM Countries/Kenya/Rest of Gulf States+Egypt

In comes the Xoolo Culusow. You can look this up. From 2022 he starts off like this:

1st: Defense Agreement with UAE
2nd: Defense Ageeement with I kid you not Ethiopia

Gives cold shoulder to Turkey, Eritrea.

Things change, UAE stops giving him money, a few of their soldiers get smoked then he pivots towards Turkey, Eritrea.

Fast forward Ethiopia does the sea grab thing then this idiot rushes to Turkey who he shunned initially in favor of Dubai to sign a defense agreement not knowing that Ethiopia is super close with Turkey! Then Turkey after securing everything from the FGS to the point of making it a colony grabs Culusow by the collar and says you need to give up the sea. No world power in their right mind would trust this Gov because at the very least you’ve shown that you’re NOT a reliable ally that can be trusted. For reference see below for all the countries Somalia signed a defense agreement with in the span of 2 years, unbelievable:


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Re: Nacasnimo Of Culusow And His Dam Mooryaan Degraded Somalia Infinitely

Postby Khalid Ali » Sat Sep 07, 2024 4:16 pm

Mr murax the biggest ceeb culusow encountered was when he signed off the sea resources of Somalia to turkey fish and oil rights he thought he exchanged a good deal where as turkey will protect Somali sea territories from foreign invaders oo boy what was he wrong this fool doesn’t know turkey invest 3 billion dolllars every year in Ethiopia. Hakan fedan visited Addis met with abiye he said will be arbitrators I will give u good deal Somalia will accept it the deal was two ways Somalia to sign off lughaya area of 20 km to Ethiopia in exchange Ethiopia will not recognise sl how ever both biix and culusow will get share in Ethiopia airlines . How ever hassan will sign it off which will give Ethiopia a good deal where as they don’t get back clash hurting Somalia when it’s at its lowest point the other deal was hobyo port to be given to Ethiopia . Ethiopia to withdrawl from the mou. But Ethiopia doesn’t want Indian Ocean it’s interested in the Red Sea close to bab eel mandeb

The thing is though when hakan visited Addis he didn’t visit xamar to tell the Hutus this is what. Are going to do hè flew back to Ankara and then gave the Hutus a call come to Ankara let’s talk to Ethiopia about giving a sea to them
That’s the biggest ceeb nin kugu haysta dhulkaagii not that it is his dhul for argument sake let’s say it’s his. That u ho on negotiating with Ethiopia about something u already own which is so sad really from a walanweyn perspective the Turks are saying we are neutral. What neutral I gave u all my resources hassan is like he gave his wife to the Turks and then. The Turks come back and say me and mr Ethiopia want to bone ur daughter to please hand her also over to us . And the Dameer culusow is saying madaxbanaanida ba lugu so duuulay eebow

The Hutus sharaf maleh maskax maleh
Say what u want about farmaajo he rejected 300 million dollars the uae said they will give him all he has to do is cut ties with Qatar Farmaajo ur problems with Qatar are ur problems don’t drag us into it we will have a neutral stance and we shall help where we can to bring u lot closer similar what the Kuwaitis were doing .

And ur right he signed so many defense treaties with 7 different countries nothing to show for

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Re: Nacasnimo Of Culusow And His Dam Mooryaan Degraded Somalia Infinitely

Postby Khalid Ali » Sat Sep 07, 2024 4:19 pm

If today Ethiopia brings it army and naval forces on the coast of bulaxaar and in between lughaya

Do u really think the Turks will confront Ethiopia and Somaliland and send their gunships toward Somaliland , never gonne happen they have to much assets and billions of investments in Ethiopia .

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Re: Nacasnimo Of Culusow And His Dam Mooryaan Degraded Somalia Infinitely

Postby Nomand » Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:43 pm

He is a political prostitute. Waraabe said it best when he said siyaasada buu ku zineysta


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