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Maxay ku dhacday in nimanka iyo naagaha soomaaliyeed ay.........!

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Somali Women's Forum: Archive (Before Feb 2000): Maxay ku dhacday in nimanka iyo naagaha soomaaliyeed ay.........!
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Wondering mind!

Unrecorded Date
Salaamu Caleykum dhamaantiin....

Maxay ku dhacday in nimanka iyo naagaha soomaaliyeed oo is qaba inay marka ay wada
socdaan jidka ay ugu eg yihiin dad aana isla soconin amaba is qabin?????..Waxaan oola jeedaa taas, mar walba oo ann lakulmo labo qof oo soomaali ah oo is qabta inay mar walba kala horeeyaan oo aanayn is garab soconin...waxayna u badan tahay inuu ninka horeeyo marwalba, wuxuuna u eg yahay inuu kafaanaayo xaaskiisa uu magaalada la maraayo...Iyadana waxay gadaal lasocotaa cunug yar ay gaari ku wado...Kaagana darantaas wey ilahadlaayaan weyna kala socdaan, cajiib badanaa.
Waa maxay sababta taas keyneysa????

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Unrecorded Date

Maxaad u malaynaysaa sababta.!!

Yaase Yidhi hala isla socdo ama ha laisgarab socdo marka horeba......

Noloshii miyiga ee soomaliddii hore wadooyinku way yar yaraayeen, oo cows ama geedo jiq ah ayey wadooyinku dhex mari jireen, kumana filnayn in labo qof is garab socdaan, taas ayaa keentay in ay caado noqotay in la is daba socdo.

Dhanka kale, Dhaqankeena soomaaliyeed ee waayaddii hore(I don't known U)waxaa yaraydba in reer isqaba isla socdaba, waayo mar walba howl ayaa lagu jiray oo wakhti romantic ah lama heli jirin...... may I answered your question?

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Unrecorded Date
lol@yaska waa iga qoslisay wadooyin yar yar oo jiq ah waa runtaa labo qof isma garab socon karaan.
Wonderful m
teeyda markaan kahadlo naag somali isma garab socon karno cuz haweenka somaliyeed tartiib inee usocdaan eeba ila tahay mise anaa socod boobsiiya, marka kafaanid meesha kabixi.

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Unrecorded Date
sidaas maha arintu badankoodu waa unhappy married markaa way ka cararayaan si aan loogu arag,ee jidkuyarmajiro saxxiib,oo waayo markeedii hore ayuu ku helay bypost oo aan jacayl jirin.

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nasty chick

Unrecorded Date
HAHAHAHAHA! .... guys you crack me up! .... good question though... i been wondering too... it has to do with the fact it was ceeb for a man and woman to demonstrate their feelings for each other in public... the aim of the marriage being only to reproduce and multiply the clan.... anyways.. i wouldnt hold hands with my future husband.... but he has to walk beside me... or i would feel to cold! naah! ... he can walk behind me.... LOL... enough nastiness...

nasty is out

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Wondering mind!

Unrecorded Date
Salaam all,

Marka hore saaxiib suŽaalsha laguma jawaabo suŽaal
teeda labaad hada laguma jiro waqtigii lajoogay
baadiyaha, ee waxaan ka hadlaayaa dadkeena magaalooyinka ku nool...

IŽll be back later on guys

peace and love

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Unrecorded Date
Salaam Caleukum,

Waar Mr/Miss Wordering Mind Ma xataa Iminka ayey is daba socdaan? Waxaan Jeclaan Lahaa in aad waxa aad Maldahaysid soo daysid...

Wadammadan Westernka ee aan ku nool nahay dadku kuwa isqaba iyo kuwa saaxiibka ahiba way wadda socdaan oo gacmaha ayey isku dhegan yihiin.....Laakiin taas micneheeddu ma aha way isjecel yihiin!!!!!.

Waxay ogaaday in aan meesha jaceyl jirine ee ay arintu tahay "Cadow jabis" ama Ileyn meesha wax lama kala lahee in aad tustid in "TAN/KAN" aad adigu leedahay/saaxiiblatahay/qabtid.

Markaa saaxiib khalad ha fahmin, Gacmo la ishaystaa ama virtual love wouldn't do any magic in real life. Soomaali ahaana Dhaqankeena ayaaba si u diidan!!! Orod oo adigu gabadhaadda/xaaskaaga gacanta qabso, qaar inaadeeraddeed ah waayi maysid oo kula dirira "Waar kaagan Segegerka ah, Inantayadda meelahan gacanta ha ku qabsan, ee orod oo xaafadihiina isku qabsadda" I am warning you body!!!!

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Wondering mind

Unrecorded Date
IŽm not talking about holding hands bro....
plz do understand me 1st

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Unrecorded Date
Salaam 'alekum;

Ok, May be I am wrong guy to answer your question right. This question is for only and only married people.

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Unrecorded Date

AKhiyaarta dhamaan salaan kadib:

Wondering Mind if i try to answer ur "Q" Somalimen and Women when they get married he treats her as a wife only, and she treats him as husband only, instead of treating each other husband, wife, and best & closest freinds.

Qofka asagoo xaaskaadi ah hadaad isla mar ahaantaa ka dhigato rafiiqaada ama saaxiibka kuugu dhow runtii u guys will like share everything, walking with each other, joking around, and every happy moment.

Tusaale: dadka hadda ilmaha dhalay kuwa ilmahooda ula dhaqmo only as a parent iyo kuwa ula dhaqmo as a parent and best freind way kala fiicanyihiin.

Waalidka markuu waalid ahaan kaliya tuso ilmaha aabe markuu shaqada ka yimaado qolkaa lagu cararaa eg: (hey guys dady is here he is gona yell) where the freindly dad when he gets home he gets hug and kiss from his children What a happy family.

marka hadaan somali nahay waxaa naga dhiman "the purpose of marriage" and the issue of being happy family.

wixii qalad ah cafis

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Unrecorded Date
Nasty Duck Jokes

A duck walks into a bar and sits on the counter and says: "Have you got any bread?"

With this the barman looked stunned at the talking duck and said: "Ahmm. No"

The duck looked staisfied with this answer and then looked at the shelves and drinks on them, again he turned to the barman and asked: "Have you got any bread?"

The barman, still quite stunned looked at the duck and said: "No, This is a bar, theres a bakery three doors down, we have no bread here!"

The duck looked staisfied with this answer and then looked around again, saying: "You must have bread, have a look outside the back, there must be SOME bread around somewhere!"

The barman getting decidedly pissed off, says: "For •••• sake duck, WE HAVE NO BREAD!!"

The duck looked stunned at the answer, and then asked again: "HAVE YOU GOT ANY BREAD"

"•••• OFF"


"I TOLD YOU...."



The duck, looks at the barman stunned and asks : "Have you got any nails?"

The barman says: "NO"

The duck pauses, then asks: "Have you got any bread?"

- 0 -

A man wakes up early one morning and decides to go duck hunting.

He tells his wife, "You've got three choices; you can go duck hunting with me, I'll do ya anally or you can give me a blowjob. I'm gonna load up the truck and get the dog out. Make up your mind before I get back."

Hubby returns twenty minutes later and says, "Well what's it gonna be?"

She say's, "There's no way I'm going duck hunting and you're not doing my ass so I guess it's a blowjob."

A couple minutes later she starts choking and spitting and says, "Jesus, you taste like ••••."

"Oh yeah," he replies, "The dog didn't want to go duck huntin' either."

- 0 -

This guy walks into a quiet bar. He is carrying three ducks. One in each hand and one under his left arm. He places them on the bar. He has a few drinks and chats with the bartender.

The bartender is experienced and has learned not to ask people about the animals that they bring into the bar, so he doesn't mention the ducks.

They chat for about 30 minutes before the bloke with the ducks has to go to the rest room. The ducks are left on the Bar.

The bartender is alone with the ducks. There is an awkward silence. The bartender decides to try to make some conversation.

"What's your name?" He says to the first duck. "Huey" said the duck.

"How's your day been?"

"Great. Lovely day. Had a ball. Been in and out of puddles all day." "Oh. That's nice," says the Bartender.

Then he says to the second duck, "Hi. And what's your name?"

"Dewey" came the answer.

"So how's your day been?"

"Great. Lovely day. Had a ball. Been in and out of puddles all day. If I had the chance another day I would do the same again."

So the Bartender turns to the third duck and says, "So, you must be Louie"

"No", growls the 3rd duck, "My name is Puddles. And don't ask about my fucking day!"

- 0 -

An old man sitting on his front porch down in Louisiana at 6:00 am watching the sun rise. He sees the neighbor's kid walk by carrying something big under his arm.

He yells out "Hey boy, whatcha got there?"

Boy yells back, "A roll of chicken wire."

Old man says "What you gonna do with that?"

Boy says "Catch some chickens."

Old man yells "You damn fool, you can't catch chickens with chicken wire!"

Boy just laughs and keeps walking. That evening at sunset the boy comes walking by and to the old man's surprise he is dragging behind him the chicken wire with about 30 chickens caught in it.

Same time next morning the old man is out watching the sun rise and he sees the boy walk by carrying something kind of round in his hand. Old man yells out "Hey boy, whatcha got there?"

Boy yells back "Roll of duck tape."

Old man says "What you gonna do with that?"

Boy says back "Catch me some ducks."

Old man yells back, "You damn fool, you can't catch ducks with duck tape!"

Boy just laughs and keeps walking. That night around sunset the boy walks by coming home and to the old man's amazement he is trailing behind him the unrolled roll of duck tape with about 35 ducks caught in it.

Same time next morning the old man sees the boy walking by carrying what looks like a long reed with something fuzzy on the end.

Old man says "Hey boy, whatcha got there?"

Boy says "It's a pussy willow."

Old man says "Hold on, I'll get my hat."

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Unrecorded Date

To annon;

Well done. Haven't you find any beŽtter joke?
secondly why here?

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