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Source: AFP

Two teens arrested in Sweden over murder of 65-year-old man

(By Bonny Apunyu)

Police in Sweden have arrested two 13-year-old boys in connection to the  murder of a 65-year-old man on a farm in southwestern Sweden, AFP reported Wednesday.

Sweden’s police investigator Cecilia Bergsten  reportedly said in a statement that "It's highly unusual that such young people are suspected of such a serious crime as murder,"

26 killed in a suicide bombing in a mosque in northeast Nigeria

(By Bonny Apunyu)

At least 26 people were killed and 28 others wounded on Saturday in a suicide bombing in a mosque in northeast Nigeria's key city of Maiduguri.

"A suicide bomber strapped with an IED exploded himself in Alhaji Haruna Mosque" in the Monday Market area, said Aderemi Opadokun, police commissioner of Borno state, of which Maiduguri is the capital.

"Twenty six people were confirmed dead while 28 were injured," he told journalists.

AFP reported that the victims were at afternoon prayers on Saturday according to information from police.

Iraq: 470 bodies exhumed from mass grave near Tikrit-Health Minister

(By Estera Popowska)

Iraq health minister said Thursday that the remains of 470 people believed to have been executed by militants near Tikrit last year in what is known as the Speicher massacre, have been exhumed. 

The health official, Adila Hammoud said at a press conference in Baghdad  that "we have exhumed the bodies of 470 Speicher martyrs from burial sites in Tikrit." Hammoud was referring to the nearby military base that the massacre was named after.

India: Over 1,000 people killed by heatwave as temperatures hit 45 degrees Celsius

(By Estera Popowska)

The death toll from a major heatwave sweeping India has risen to over 1,100, Indian authorities said Wednesday while as forecasters cautioned that temperatures would continue rising. AFP quoted Brahma Prakash Yadav, director of Indian Meteorological Department, as saying top temperatures in the capital would remain around 45 degrees Celsius (113 Fahrenheit) -the national benchmark for a heatwave.

Saudi Arabia: 21 killed in an attack on a Shiite mosque

(By Bonny Apunyu)

At least 21 people were killed and 81 wounded in an attack by an Islamic State group suicide bomber on a Shiite mosque in Saudi Arabia on Friday, the health ministry said, AFP reported Saturday.

According to Saudi Arabia's news agency APS, "the terrorist attack left 21 dead and 81 wounded, including 12 in critical condition", the ministry reportedly said.

Syria: U.S led air strike kills 170 Islamic State jihadists in 48 hours

(By Estera Popowska)

In the past 48 hours, air strikes by a US-led coalition against the Islamic State group in northeastern Syria have killed around 170 jihadists, a monitoring group said Tuesday, according to AFP report.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reportedly said "the jihadists were killed in the past 48 hours in the province of Hasakeh, nearly all of them in very intense air strikes by the international coalition which is helping Kurdish forces in the area."

Libyan militia holding hostage 172 Tunisian nationals-AFP

(By Estera Popowska)

Some 172 Tunisian nationals are being held by a Libyan militia as bargaining chips for one of its commanders detained in Tunis, AFP reported saying Tunisia said Monday that it was negotiating for the release of hostages.

According to AFP, the foreign ministry's Arab and African affairs chief Touhami Abdouli said the Tunisians had been detained in western Libya by a militia that is part of the Libya Dawn alliance which controls the capital Tripoli and third city Misrata.

Syria: 300 killed in Syria's ancient city of Palmyra

(By Estera Popowska)

Some 300 people have been killed in several days of fighting since the Islamic State group launched an attack against Syria's ancient city of Palmyra, a monitor said Sunday.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which relies on a network of sources on the ground, said the toll comprised 123 soldiers and loyalist militiamen, 115 IS fighters and 57 civilians-AFP